"The Last Day of Pompeii" encountered complaints?

Alan 2022-04-23 07:02:27

(two two)

Unlike senior Hollywood movie stars, Kit Hrington doesn't have the kind of slickness that has been experienced in the world. The pure features of a virgin face and clear eyes allow him to conquer the well-informed aristocratic lady.

The film uses special effects such as interstellar stars, black holes and volcanoes.
Kit asked, "Why did you save me?" The
battle-hardened champion of the arena proudly declared: "A swordsman cannot die with a backstabbing, but in the arena. Tomorrow, I will fight you to the death, I hope you Die righteous!"
Kit, who has experienced assassination battles, showed no weakness: "Tomorrow you will die in my hands."
The following is the last dialogue between Kit and his life and death opponent:
"I heard that tomorrow is your last battle."
"After I kill you, they will set me free!"
"They won't, as long as your arms are still strong."
"Freedom is the promise of Rome!"
"You believe they will keep that promise?"
"I believe Their laws!"
"There is only one liberty for the gladiator, when you die in the arena, unconquered until you die, and you show open contempt for Rome."
"Then this is your future, You are a slave until you die, but I am not, tomorrow Rome will deliver on its promise, and unfortunately, you will not live to see that moment."
"So sure? Today you exposed your weakness, your left arm has no right Arms have strength!"
"You have also exposed..."
A pair of life and death opponents rubbed sword skills with each other.

There is no world-shattering storyline, everything happened naturally at the moment of taming a wild horse in just one sentence.

Being abused again, abused by a woman's love, Kit is always so tragic, is it easy to bully? Bearing the blame of the noble lady's whims and romantic innocence, he faced the torture and torture with a smile without any regrets.

On the last night of the battle of life and death, he and his life and death partner said goodbye for the first time:

"My name is Milo."

"Atticus." The

familiar ancient Roman duel field, the volcano about to erupt, the life and death are undecided, the life is hanging by a thread Gladiator, the disadvantaged Kit... Kicks off.

With life and death at stake, Kit is acutely aware that this is not a gladiatorial fight, this is a slaughter.

"How did you know?" "I have experienced such a scene!"

The Roman soldiers with live ammunition began to raise the butcher's knife at the handcuffed and shackled gladiator, and the bloody killing began... The

noble lady was surprised geologically Ask: "This is your movement?"

"No, it's not a movement, it's politics!"

"Which slave is who you are?"

"You're far inferior to you, Senator.

" The fighters were outnumbered and killed one after another.

"I'm glad your parents agreed to our marriage."

"What? We never promised you."

"Because they knew that if they didn't agree, Titus would hang your family on the city wall and tell your ruler's Power!"

"Kit killed all the gladiatorial Roman soldiers and stood on the stage shouting: "I will never submit to Roman power, I spurn it! After he finished speaking, he twisted the flag of Rome angrily and challenged the Roman congressman who killed his father and enemy.

"He is so bold!" The Roman Congressman slammed the table. At the critical moment

, the heroine saved the two remaining gladiators.

"You are right, brother, their promises are nothing but lies. "

"Why are you doing this?" "

"If you kill him now, with a thousand Roman arrows. Make him a riot, do you hope? Bring back a revolution to the emperor? What will the Romans say if you reverse this decision? They'll talk about you behind your back, saying you have a disobedient wife, do you deserve your reputation? I might be your wife, but you won't make me bend!"

"I'll make you obey, Kneeling, standing, crawling, or walking, you have to obey my arrangement and take her back to the mansion to lock her up." The

agility, swiftness and no trace of her movements are Kit's highlight in the fight.

"Give him a good sword."

"This sword is blunt."

"Really? Give the audience a good performance."

... All

of them let the audience sweat for the male protagonist. How to escape?

Humans and gods are angry, volcanoes erupt, and they fight to the death.

"I admire your courage, but you are a slave, you can't defeat Rome!"
"What if there are twenty?"

The abandoned slave owner in the ruins, the father who was stabbed in the chest by the enemy's sharp knife after a little hesitation.

Like a nuclear reactor produced by a comet hitting a star, the impact of huge energy is like a big bang that opened up the universe, and the horror and tragedy of the scene is comparable to the Titanic.

At the juncture of life and death, the false ugliness of human nature can be seen at a glance.

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Extended Reading

Pompeii quotes

  • Milo: You trust them to keep their word?

    Atticus: I trust the law.

  • Proculus: You're brave, I'll give you that, but no savage can ever be a match for a Roman.