Movies with endings that shock you

Erika 2022-04-22 07:01:31

Today, while working overtime, I chatted with my colleagues in the front and back seats about movies.
I asked: "Do you have any good movie recommendations?"
Some people said "Frozen", some people recommended "Storm" and "Hundred Thousands of Fire", and said a lot, but I don't particularly want to watch them.
Then we didn't know how to talk about "The Devotion of Suspect X", and everyone agreed that the ending of the movie was really impressive,

so I threw the second question: "What kind of ending do you guys have that is shockingly beautiful? What's your movie recommendation?"

After thinking about it, everyone's hard work, they only thought of these films:

1. "Cry on the Island" Unfortunately, I have seen this one, and everyone was not surprised a long time ago. seen it already.

2. "The Chainsaw" has a really heavy taste

3. "The Devotion of Suspect X" My recommendation, this movie is excellent in terms of human nature and reasoning, and the moment you know the truth of the ending is really impressive profound. By the way, I also complained about the movie "Walking in the White Night", how can there be any reasoning. . The book is really too thick, I don't have the mood to pursue the case that spanned more than ten years!

4. "The Master Key" said that after seeing the ending for a long time, I didn't slow down, and then I revisited the details in the movie. I thought about it slowly, everything can come up, such a reversal, such a Thoughtful, thought provoking. In other words, after I recommended it, a colleague of mine went back to watch it immediately and told me the next day that the ending made him too uncomfortable and could not accept it. Well, it’s hard not to feel uncomfortable, you watched it anyway. . .

5. "The Dark Side" is a very amazing Spanish director's film, with dual perspectives, dual structure, very novel angles, exciting plot, clean and neat, I like it very much, and let them go home and watch it immediately and report on Monday experience. Highly recommend.

6. "Deadly Magic" In fact, the shocking effect of the ending is not great, because I have been shocked by the plot in the process, the performance of the actors, and the dazzling magic.

7. The magic scenes of the same three games in "Now You See Me" are very beautiful, cool and dazzling. With the deepening of the plot, you will constantly update your understanding of the plot. The final ending has some surprises, but there are more Much helplessness.

8 "Mind Game" No spoilers, just remember that the ending was reversed three times.

Keep the diary as a memo diary, and add any good movies to it in the future.

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The Skeleton Key quotes

  • Caroline Ellis: It's like, hypnotism, right? Suggestion? And when this stuff works, its because someone believes it works?... And if you thought, you know, that magic made you sick... you might believe in a magic cure?

    Mama Cynthia: Somebody been workin' roots on you!

    Caroline Ellis: Say I knew someone who thought that they'd been...

    Mama Cynthia: Crossed?

    Caroline Ellis: Crossed. Would they believe that they could be... uncrossed?

  • Caroline Ellis: Do you know a record called the Conjure of Sacrifice?... Because I have it if you do.

    Creole Mother: If you had that, you wouldn't say so.