A scene that is slightly different from what I expected

Eleanora 2022-04-22 07:01:31

The abnormal "deaf" attracted attention from the beginning, and it is not difficult to guess that he may be the behind-the-scenes boss who likes to watch "live" live, just like the one who was lying in a pool of blood and watching the live broadcast from zero distance in the first movie of Chainsaw - - The last scene was so impressive, the best of the chainsaw...

Ahem, back to this movie, like all movies that describe the behavior of people who are placed in extreme situations, the evil of human nature is still the focus of the language of the camera. In fact, I heard the so-called proctoring at the beginning. When the official said, "There are no laws here, only the rules we set", based on the experience of watching the movie, I guessed that there might be a bloody and violent scene. The only unexpected thing is that this scene is not as bloody and violent as I imagined... End He even said that it could be a manifestation of warmth, and let him hold "What kind of ghost company is this! After putting together such a test that makes people develop in the direction of madness, the upper management estimates that the psychopath has a diseased brain, and what good development can be achieved in such a crazy place. What about the future?" Those who think this way will probably be reluctant to change in the end and be persuaded by "the philosophical eccentricities of scientists"...

Well, in the end, if I were the CEO, I would probably choose the last blonde as well, restrained, calm, cautious, rational... Not ecstatic after being successfully "admitted", but calmly asking questions, thinking about this The meaning of the test... She may not be as smart, brave and bold as the viewer expects, but she still embodies the characteristics of a civilized "modern person": self-control, appropriate kindness and alienation, not credulity, no too much How wise but always trying to solve the problem and never give up... Well, I admit that I like this kind of cool and glamorous royal sister... ???

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  • Black: For God's sake. This is a woman.