Still look forward to the second season

Alta 2022-12-25 22:12:19

It's not as good as previously expected (the so-called "Game of Thrones" in the Yuan Dynasty), and of course it is not as bad as those who have just watched one episode and then abandoned it and hit a star.
The screenwriter’s Western perspective and the target audience in the United States are destined to be another “oriental story in Western fantasy”, so don’t blame the screenwriter for how bad the script is, a conspiracy story with sex and violence. It’s enough to justify it from the beginning to the end. It should be enough for non-target groups of spectators (I personally think that Jiwei uses murals to reveal the real conspirators and lay the groundwork for the second season is good); not to worry about Jia Si Dao didn't die in Xiangyang, which was an obvious historical flaw, it was all for telling stories. Some people find it awkward everywhere in the Oriental stories of Lao Mei. It is estimated that the Mongolians also have the same taste when they see "The Legend of Kublai Khan".
The setting, costumes, props, and many details have been dealt with in the comments before. They are hardware that can only be made by money and hard work, and it can indeed defeat most domestic historical dramas; the title ink is bloody. It's also great.
Westerners’ aesthetics have led to the appearance of actors being spoken by many people, but men’s look is abrupt, women look at the real golden prince, it can still pass; those who like mature women can also look at Aunt Chen Chong, and those who like uncles. . . You can choose between the Mongolian version of Fan Wei and Huang Jinghan. After all.

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