Prologue: Watch "Fanny and Alexander" on Christmas Eve

Kathryne 2021-12-31 08:02:10

The prologue is enough to make you cry. In winter, the huge room is empty, only the sound of clocks can be heard. It reminds me, it is not enough to remind me, it reminds me to re-experience, or return to childhood: my parents went to the ground, if it weren't for sleeping at noon in summer. The clock, the first thing I thought of was the one in the east room of grandma's house, resting on the faded green cabinet, like a radio, with a red dial. Silence is not without sound. Grandma’s Kang is equipped with plumbing: a plastic pot that was originally white but has turned yellow and black is hung on the chimney of the coal stove. The water inside is heated by the coal stove and reciprocated in a rubber tube, which is laid on the mattress. under. This water heater makes noises from time to time, just like when you drink only a little Coke with a straw. But because the rubber tube is soft, there are some differences between the two. Grandma sat on the bench and said a word occasionally. No, it is not such an accurate and single correspondence. This is just a scene where my childhood (not only childhood, but also when I was in junior high school, at my home or at my grandmother's house) and the prologue of "Fanny and Alexander" had the same density and soul. You can say the prologue of this scene: Alexander played with a toy alone, concentrated, bored, lonely, sad, found that there was no one at home, and shouted from room to room without receiving a response. He hid under the table, afraid of ghosts coming-it It is not only a generalization (condensing thousands of scenes), but also a typical (deduction of an idea), it covers all the content of childhood, or finds the essence of childhood and life sharply.

Before starting this article, I thought that the reason why this scene is moving is that it touches childhood memories. It reminds you of one or more events that you have experienced, one or more periods of time. It has similarities with your experience. But at this point, after making the above slightly exaggerated assertion, I would rather believe what I said. The similarity of appearance is not necessary. You don’t need to be alone, you can play with one, two, or even seven or eight of your friends, or when your mother sits in the yard and washes clothes in a large aluminum basin, you sit and watch; Watching TV, watching a TV series or gilded mobile phone commercial that has been shown many times; it can be not winter but summer, you are in a lush fruit forest, listening to the cicadas cries endlessly; it can also be not a childhood, as mentioned earlier, On the first day of the new year, after visiting grandma and aunt, you and your cousin stood in the yard enjoying the sun. It involves everything.

In a long or short life, childhood has two unique characteristics: the first is that it is short, even if some people are weaned in their teens, but for most of his life, childhood is only in the past tense; second, Don't worry about making money. These two uniquenesses are the reasons for the beauty of childhood. There may be a third point: the body is developing in a good direction. We miss our childhood, and we see in movies and novels that others also miss childhood. Then I feel distressed: I can't go back, and I didn't observe like them and remember like them. But the problem may not be the case. The problem may lie in the lack of material: childhood is generally boring. It seems to have many tricks, such as those clichés: catching voles, playing pheasants, playing Xiaobawang game consoles, swimming in the pond, going to the fair with grandpa, watching "Gourd Baby" and "Black Cat Sheriff". But what is hidden under these appearances and behaviors is repetition, dissatisfaction with the present. What you experience in your childhood, in the present, in everything is the same thing. You repeat the same feeling every day. You hate the complexity of your work, you long to go back to the past, and you don't feel any similarities between the present and the past. But the present becomes the past, and you will find that the past and the past are the same thing. The further away from you in time, the more blurred the boundaries between them.

It is a sense of loneliness throughout a lifetime. Bergman caught. The same goes for Cao Xueqin's "A Dream of Red Mansions" and Cao Kou's "A Tree on the Roof".

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Fanny and Alexander quotes

  • Ekdahlska huset - Helena Ekdahl: I loved being a mother. I loved having a big belly. I loved being an actress too, but I preferred being a mother.

  • Emilie Ekdahl - Ekdahlska huset: Your sister gave me sleeping pills for my insomnia. I put three of them in the broth. I did not intend for you to drink it. While you were checking on Elsa, I put three more in. Soon you will sleep very soundly, and when you wake up, I will be gone.