The plot is only Samsung, and the special effects are more than one piece

Marcellus 2022-04-20 09:01:46

The biggest impression of this movie is that the special effects are too flashy. It is gilded from beginning to end, and the golden tone replaces "light and color". In contrast, its plot is a lot bleak. Not only is it straightforward, but the old-fashioned conflict for power and kingship is not very appealing. Fortunately, the special effects are dazzling enough to make up for the lack of rhythm and plot, so that the audience will not be too bored to fall asleep.

"God War: Eyes of Power" is actually a story about a mortal saving God, not a god who favors mortals. Although the gods of the West are more down-to-earth than the gods of the East, they are not so ethereal and sanctimonious. Western gods are more like gods, they never hide their desires and shortcomings, whether it is greed, cruelty or lust, they just grow up and show it brightly.

The background of "God War" is Egypt, and the era in the movie is an era when gods and human beings mixed together, and gods ruled over human beings. This seems to never exist in Eastern mythology. The gods of the East are high above, and it seems like a great blasphemy for them to have a little dealing with people. The gods in the West are all like people, but the gods in the East require the six sense organs to be pure, have no desires and no desires, be merciful and compassionate, and do not allow personal emotions.

Compared to the mortals in the movies, the gods are pretty unlovable. As Baker said, "God doesn't care about mortals at all." In the eyes of God, mortals are nothing more than gadgets they have created, and kindness is charity, not love from the heart.

Horus is an eagle behind the incarnation. The golden wings soaring in the sky and the eyes with "first-class vision" are the characteristics of the eagle; the desert body of Set symbolizes the barrenness and barrenness, and the way of expression is killing and death. Since Seth appeared on the stage, he has been slaughtering and killing, seeing whoever slaughtered, his brother, nephew, wife, father and then his lover, those gods who had nothing to do with him who rebelled against him, and there was nothing in his heart. weight. And the process of the sun god Ra fighting Chaos is the birth of night and day. Ra's attitude towards the battle between the two sons is also a kind of fairness to the sun.

The process of Horus' revenge is the process by which he learns to love and grow. When he changed from a turbulent and irritable god to a god of the sky who cherished the life of a mortal, that was when he was the strongest, and when his left and right potentials were discovered.

Several of the female characters in the film are positive, and the trust, love and protection they represent are virtues. No matter who rules the sky, trust, love and protection are immortal, so it is not impossible to bring back the dead.

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Gods of Egypt quotes

  • Bek: What would happen if I drank that?

    Horus: You would be refreshed. Then you would die.

    Bek: It doesn't seem right that the water of Creation would, kill.

    Horus: I would kill you, For wasting my water.

  • Bek: You really watched the world come into being?

    Thoth: I don't lie.

    Bek: Where were you watching it from, if nothing had been created yet?

    Thoth: If I even attempted to explain, your brain would liquefy and run out of your ears.