On How to Save a Pig: Only in Business

Jean 2022-04-20 09:01:47

Very absurd comedy, the performance is also a bit neurotic. Against the background of globalization and industrialization, a genetically modified pig is used to satirize the ambition and hypocrisy of capitalists and the contradictory heart of the Virgin of animal protection, as well as the public emotions that are easily instigated. , even reminded me of the various cow vaccination methods listed in the high school biology book: false vagina method, electrical stimulation method. . . Of course, humans have never been kind to animals they eat. So, let's admit it when we eat meat, we are a cruel human being, and so are the merchants, as the end said, this is business. However, after watching the whole film, it is still a bit boring to say such a thing.

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Okja quotes

  • K: You're a fucking psychopath.

    Jay: You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Nancy Mirando: Fuck off! We're extremely proud of our achievements. We're very hardworking business-people. We do deals, and these are the deals we do. This is the tenderloin for the sophisticated restaurants. The Mexicans love the feet. I know. Go figure! We all love the face and the anus, as American as apple pie! Hot dogs. It's all edible. All edible, except the squeal.

  • Jay: Translations are sacred.