A French meal for life

Merle 2022-09-07 23:40:05

I haven't seen such a full, heart-warming movie for a long time. The story is simple, there are no artificial twists and turns, and it doesn't need complicated carvings. If it can be summed up in one sentence, it is the most ordinary life with the most precious love.
Meryl Streef's performance is smooth and natural, and because of her energy and enthusiasm, the film is full of romance and wit. It is a charming, intimate and warm film.
A good movie can always give us a multi-level viewing experience. This movie is classified as a food movie, a love movie, an inspirational movie, an autobiographical movie...all appropriate, because these complementary factors make the movie more three-dimensional. It not only presents us with a simple and easy-to-understand picture, but also allows us to easily walk into everything in the movie and touch the most real life lines. I don't think the film can be deliberately expressed, or highlight a certain concept, whether it is the simplest philosophy of success, such as perseverance, optimism, courage to face life... or discussing the status of women under political change, the pursuit of change The social image of the sect, everything is just a French dish in the hands of Meryl, that share stems from the dedication to love, the responsibility to the family, the efforts of self-realization and self-pursuit, this is the original face of life, Those fragrant French meals are a gift for life and for yourself.

When Julie stuffed the duck's belly in a mess, she sat down angrily and sobbed. How many people saw her shadow and saw herself lose her temper so embarrassed and inexplicably at a certain moment. It was a little joke in life. It's a little trick you play with yourself.

The ending of the movie did not help Julie realize the original 900-square-meter house, without the glare of the spotlight, without the shoving of the microphone, because this is not to show us how to become famous and how to gain fame and fortune. Because all the stories in this year, including persistence in goals, trust in lovers, care for family, and sincerity in friendship, are what Julie cherishes most. If there is a result, it is in At the end of the film, Julie said to her husband "you are the butter to my bread, the breath to my life" when celebrating with friends on the small rooftop. When a person can talk about love and happiness, he/she actually has more love and happiness.

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.