After watching…

Aric 2022-10-16 10:24:31

I've been wanting to write something lately, but never got the chance to do it. There are many reasons, such as either cold hands, cold feet, cold hands and feet, or warm hands and feet but mostly in a dream.

Where to start?

I watched a movie from yesterday to today, "Julie and Julia". I've seen a lot of movies that were adapted from books, but this one is very special: two books have been adapted into one movie! Julie is a government clerk living in the 21st century, living in Queens with her husband, and about to run for the third year; Julia, who lived in the 1940s, came to Paris, France with the change of her husband's work, and has an unusual taste for food. love. The lives of two women who seem to be completely unrelated are unknowingly linked by a cookbook.
Julia, who lived in the 1940s, is a woman who is full of enthusiasm for life, carefree, strong, and has a loving husband (10 years older and half a head shorter :P). Out of her love for food, she took a French cooking course, which was almost exclusively for men at the time, and successfully graduated from the Le Cordon Bleu chef course with her unyielding personality. In the following days, Julia and her friends completed an English French cooking book called MASTERING THE ART OF FRENCH COOKING, which was written for American housewives. After various setbacks, the cooking book was successfully published.
Julie, who lives in the 21st century, is full of miscellaneous troubles, stubborn personality, and sometimes short-tempered (all of which are similar to me). Inspired by her husband, she started to write a kitchen blog, the time limit is 365 days, and the dishes to be challenged are the 541 (or 451? Can't remember) French dishes on Julia's cookbook! In this day-to-day persistence, Julie
gradually began to know herself more deeply, and slowly began to change and improve herself.
Two books, the stories of two women are intertwined and told, and we have witnessed their common growth between time and space; although at the intersection at the same time, one is a master cook and the other is a young and troubled housewife, but from a vertical perspective, However, they experienced similar troubles in two different eras, they transformed themselves, found the meaning of their lives, and understood that they were loved and loved others.
The actress playing Julia is Meryl Streep. From a young and tangled mother in Madison Town, to a married daughter who lives on a Greek island while worrying about making a living and singing "I am the dancing queen" loudly, to a woman who walks the streets of New York with her head held high The fashion godmother of Prada, she always surprises us again and again. In this "J&J", she has perfectly portrayed a joyful, generous, informal and sometimes even slightly vulgar middle-aged woman. Julia is strong, confident, unyielding, and full of optimistic thoughts even in adversity; but when she sees a baby in someone else's cart, she will show a lonely and lonely look because she can't be a mother. When she learned that her sister was pregnant, the mixture of joy and loneliness made her cry like a child in Paul's (her husband's) arms.
Then talk about husbands~
Paul has always been a gentle character in the movie. The only time he gets angry and upset in the whole film is when he is being investigated by his own government as a spy. He has always supported Julia and supported each other with Julia through the depths of life. The thin and gentle Paul is like a faint shadow beside the bright Julia. He is steady and passionate. Thanks to Paul's silent protection, Julia's pure and natural character and beauty can be retained. Paul's love for Julia, as he said in a toast at a meeting, is his "butter to bread, breath to my life".
The other Julie is played by Amy Adams. Julie was jittery, irritable, and somewhat self-centered by her tedious work. But while learning Julia's recipes each day, she gradually got into the story behind it. As she said, it was like talking to her in person every day. Unconsciously, Julie's life has also changed. Fortunately, her change has saved her good-tempered husband and marriage.
So I have to mention Julie's understanding and good-natured husband. From the beginning, I supported her in writing a kitchen blog, started a blog for her, bought books for her, and had to endure a life of "too much food but no s (harmony) ex", but later I was blamed for my support at the beginning. In a fit of anger, he ran away from home. But in the end, he returned to her side and continued to support this little girl's direct wife - fortunately, she bowed her head first. I don't think she will be so willful anymore~ She began to learn to think more about this new good man, because he is - borrowed Paul's classic line - "butter to her bread, breath to her life" :) That
's it for the movie. Interestingly, when I was browsing resources on eDonkey after watching the movie, I accidentally came across the key clue in the movie: the cooking book MASTERING THE ART OF FRENCH COOKING! So download it without hesitation, it can be regarded as a kind of respect and aftertaste to the movie.

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.