An Anti-Chicken Soup Watcher's Chicken Soup Review

Kamryn 2022-08-19 20:23:12

Finished watching this movie while lying by a sunny window on a rest day in January 2020. I love this movie so much that I don't know where to start.

The tone of the whole film, pictures and music have a French style, from the kitchen layout and color picture every frame can make you see warmth and joy. Not only the original French decoration style of Julie's life in France, but also Julie's dilapidated upstairs pizza shop in Queens, New York, but still full of warm yellow lights, colorful cooking utensils and people who would lie on the sofa and watch TV with her obediently. Orange cat's hut. There are also some details that reveal the elegance in the simple life. For example, Julie received a real pearl necklace on her 30th birthday in the movie. She took off the rough old pearl necklace that she had been wearing before and said happily that she is like this now. Be more like Julia.

After seeing it, I slowly realized that what Julie wanted to imitate was not just Julia's recipes and dress up, but Julia's attitude towards food and life. In the process of cooking and living, the problems we face are similar. We will be afraid of things we haven’t tried, and we will question ourselves when we don’t get the affirmation we deserve after gritting our teeth. A quarrel with the people closest to you about something you believe in and insist on. Julia's response has always been optimistic and tolerant, she will make concessions to those around her but insist on her own beliefs. So when one of her gourmet partners who was lazy and didn't pay wanted to come for the appearance fee and signature, she would not hesitate to agree to share the money to the partner because the other party said that she was going to divorce, and the signatures would be written in alphabetical order. Will also refuse without hesitation before a publisher who is willing to help her publish a book but asks her to change the book to a faster, more acceptable content for housewives. Not to mention that when she is beaten or frustrated by herself or her book, she will not puff out her husband and people around her. In the opening half hour, she laments that she is really happy to have a husband who loves her and is successful in the eyes of the world. At the end of the film, it takes half an hour to discover that it is the husband who has her that is truly happy.

The rhythm of the whole movie is slow, but the warmth, conflict and contradictions in the plot are all available. Persistence and dedication may not be rewarded, but perseverance and dedication will definitely have a response. I am very happy to see this movie in the cold and difficult winter vacation class in January, and I also achieved the simple and beautiful wish of having a good rest during the rest day.

Finally, I wish everyone Bon appetit!

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.