Small kitchen, big kitchen, the same dream

Alvena 2022-10-05 07:36:37

I watched "Delicious Relationship" today. It's a story about food, no, it's not just about food, but also dreams.
Juliet is a little-known civil servant, but has a dream of becoming a writer. In the boring and busy work day after day, her dream is gradually buried in a letter of rejection. She has a love for her. Her husband, but at the beginning of the film, her life seems to me to be cloudy, because with her, those hopes have been lost. After all, she is approaching 30 years old. She spends time with the government every day, and receives complaints from complaints. When she walks on the streets of New York, I have a trace of helplessness and sympathy, and maybe a little bit of self-pity. Perhaps the most people around me are such people, who have dreams in their hearts, but pass them by because of education and other issues. Is it because you are not working hard enough or are you not seizing the opportunity? Do you have the courage to chase? I am also a person with dreams, but I don’t work hard enough. When I was a child, when I was ignorant, I wanted to become a scientist, and then I grew up. Until now, I found that I love writing, and I love reading since I was a child. I started to read Journey to the West, read fairy tales, and even read Tianlong Babu. I like words. It can even be said that I am obsessed with words, and I am obsessed with people who write words. They are creators, and they have created a world of their own. , and I also want to have such a world, I really want to write as a career, that is my dream buried in the road of life, seeing the heroine in the play, it seems to see myself now, mediocre, because of myself Laziness and negativity, put myself under the haze, I am always happy, I don’t know why I suddenly think of myself, I am inexplicably confused, maybe I haven’t found what I want to do, for my dreams, I can only be so resignedly. Just like that, suddenly, I wanted to see what would happen to Juliet.
Juliet loves the kitchen, she was obsessed with a former food writer, Julia, and suddenly one day, with the help of her husband, she opened her own blog, with the goal of Julia's French cooking recipes, within a year, 524 recipes, so she This is how her life started. It really started when she was close to 30 years old. Every day, her life started from blogging, and she spent it in the process of cooking food. She used all her spare time to come She finds some joy in blogging, cooking, and cooking, and I think it's more about blogging. Her blog has more and more readers, more and more fans, and she enjoys some success, so the pressure comes, and cooking food starts to become less easy, more and more difficult, With less and less chance of success, she started to go crazy, lose herself, and quarrel with her loving husband. When the dream was put under pressure, suddenly she lost the happiness she deserved. She was no longer blogging about food for herself, but for the sake of readers and her fans. At the same time as the joy that came, what she lost was her original joy of cooking. I looked at her and worried that some successes might make people lose their happiness. When dreams are added with pressure and desire for the fame and benefits that come with it, people tend to get tired of it. Nowadays, there are too many people. Such cases, various talent shows, tender models, I don't know if they have dreams, maybe their dreams are just to become famous, no, fame should not be a dream, but a pursuit, for me, a dream It is the most beautiful thing in the world. It is worth pursuing. No matter what the result is, what people get is happiness. To be honest, when I watched the good voice of China some time ago, some people's eyes are full of happiness, and it is the ability to make themselves happy. The joy of the singing voice, but some people's eyes are more of the light of chasing fame and fortune, which is disgusting and disgusting. I am a person who is always afraid. What I am most often worried about is that this society will swallow me up one day. Now I gradually understand a truth. No matter when, the pursuit should be dreams and inner happiness, and some things are No need to pursue, dreams, love, friendship, family, need to be protected with heart, as long as you keep this in mind, your happiness can always come from your own simplicity, still the same sentence, keep a pure heart, insist Pursue your dreams, what you want to do, work hard, and leave the rest to life to decide.
In the end, after experiencing setbacks and suffering, Juliet found her happiness. In the end, she became a writer, published her own book, and realized her dream. And Julia, Julia's story is actually The main line of this movie, I have limited space in this article, in fact, it is not only the limit of space, I don't know where to put her story. Two people, similar stories of realizing their dreams, one took a year, the other took many years, but they both did it, persevered and realized their dreams, and they didn't complain when they didn't get it, and they didn't lose happiness when they didn't get it. , I think for them, even if the end of the movie is not a comedy, they have gained the most precious thing in life, which is happiness, the happiness of doing what they want to do. I remember a friend once said that the world is so impetuous now, this movie may bring a lot of people to think, I think not forgetting to think is also a way to keep yourself. For me, never forget to think.
Some time ago, friends said what they should do and what they want to do. I don't think it is necessary to worry about it. No matter what you want to do or do, as long as it leads to your dream, you can be happy. So, enjoy the life. It's full of joy.

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.