Find a way to love life

Kaela 2022-04-24 07:01:08

I can always watch female-themed films, and I am full of emotions. This film reminds me of the way of loving life.

No one wants to live a happy life, no one would rather spend their day sleeping-work-eating, and spend the rest of their time staring at the computer or TV in a daze. Thinking about it carefully, there are more and more friends around me shouting "so boring, I don't know what to do". We all need to find a way to love life.

Fortunately, the two heroines in the film were found: the wife of the foreign minister came to France because of her husband's job transfer. She did not even pass the language barrier, and the happiest activity all day was tasting food. In the end, I finally learned to cook French feast seriously, enjoying the joy of learning and making, and finally published the first French feast cookbook written for Americans. The 524 dishes in the book are all her efforts and sharing. The girl who works on the hotline of the complaint department still doesn't know where to go when she is 30 years old. She doesn't like her job, and then watching the sisters around her become famous and become managers, the only way for her to vent is to cook, and cooking can bring her hapiness. So, on a whim one day, she had a plan to cook all 524 dishes in a year and share it with everyone on her blog. In the end, she succeeded and gained happiness and achievement.

A cookbook connects two women who love their lives, and they both succeed: they are both able to find something that truly brings them joy and work on it, doing something for nothing but for be happy with yourself. Another must mention is their husbands, who always support, encourage, comfort and be proud of what their wives do, their love and strong backing, so that women can move forward fearlessly and face it more bravely, imagine if their family does not Harmony, the relationship between husband and wife is not good, who has extra leisure to pursue their own hobbies? After all, a secure job and a warm family are the two pillars of life, and neither is indispensable. In the end I want to say that there are many ways to live, you can still live a boring life, but to pursue joy and happiness and a more fulfilling life, just sitting there in a daze is definitely not enough, you have to show some passion and Hurry up, find the way you love life, and stick to it.

I was moved by the film. Because I am looking for a good husband and a warm family who can support me, love me, and encourage me like in the film, I am actively working hard in my life, I hope I can also persevere in a hobby and gain something. Hope your life is full, beautiful and happy.

I hope I can find a way to love life as soon as possible, and love the other half of life.

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.