You are the butter on my bread, the indispensable breath of my life

Garett 2022-04-24 07:01:08

One is a housewife who lived abroad with her diplomat husband in the 1940s, and the other is a mediocre government clerk in modern society; one needs to do something to enrich himself; one needs to do something to make himself fight. So, Julia chose cooking, and was determined to write the results into a book; Julie followed Julia's footsteps and planned to put Julia's cookbook into practice, completing an "impossible task" in one year, And live the challenge on the blog. The story then unfolds between the two, and cooking becomes the bond that connects them.

The rhythm of the film is slow and the colors are bright, which is my favorite tone. Although there were small twists and turns in the development of the story, it did not affect the plans of the two protagonists too much. In the end, Julia's book was naturally published, and Julie also successfully completed the challenge. They have all achieved their dreams, and the film can be considered a complete success. The only slight imperfection is that there is no real intersection between the two. Towards the end of the film, Jolie is dismayed to learn that the 90-year-old Julia has made negative comments about her actions. However, with the help of her husband, she realized that this gossip Julia is not alone with the perfect Julia in her heart, and what she needs to do is to stick to the guidance of the Julia in her heart. This is a good interpretation of idols.

Also, what impresses me about this film is the husband of two women. They support their wives unreservedly, encouraging them when they have setbacks and cheering them on when they succeed. Behind successful men are women who give silently, and behind successful women there must be men who give silently. The love motto in the film is simple but touching: You are the butter on my bread and the indispensable breath in my life.

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.