The dream about food belongs to the dream of life

Ona 2022-04-24 07:01:08

Everyone has their own dreams, ordinary and special dreams. Generally, such dreams can only be realized by those who persevere, and they can be realized as long as they persevere. However, we all know that perseverance is not an easy thing.
Julie is an ordinary government civil servant who receives dozens or even hundreds of calls with the theme of "complaining" every day—not all but 90%—calls, if it weren’t for her persistent love for food, calls to complain If you can't drown her, her life will be froze by those three friends who are not very good, because there is no thing to maintain balance in the heart, and a few external harassment will easily make your life extremely chaotic. Fortunately, julie found julia, and with the support of her understanding husband, she set a goal of completing 524 dishes a year, so she finally had a goal to complete in this year of her life, and the rest of her life It is also destined to be affected by this year.
However, since julie has been comparing herself with julia in the process, the bad effect of comparison has brought some troubles to her life after all, and the bad effect of blogging, which exists for the sake of attracting attention, is that The self-centeredness in julie's heart has been greatly expanded and aggravated, so that she even feels that readers are dependent on her blog posts to live, and if one day they write their own pen, they will be miserable. Maybe this is the most satisfying response of readers to their articles in every author's heart, but in real life, her dear husband can't stand it anymore, because this is not the self-satisfaction that a normal person's normal life needs. Fortunately, juie knows that her most important person is not the perfect julia she imagined but her husband, so her blog post began to reflect on life outside of food and apologize to her husband. Her understanding of Julia has also become richer, which actually means that her understanding of her ideal self has become richer. At this point, perhaps the film can be understood as "a vivid understanding of life through food", which is obviously inspirational.
In julie's imagination and understanding, Julia is perfect, because Julia's temperament in food really makes julie like it. However, in reality, Julia has spent a lot of effort to publish her food book, in order to find the most suitable one for her. Occupation - or his expertise - has also been around for a long time, and has suffered a lot of discrimination.
In the end, julie not only published a book, but her book was also made into a movie, which is this movie. Obviously, she finally became the person she wanted to be, which is very good! As for julia, she published her book, needless to say, not to mention the huge impact it caused, she and her husband lived a long life to be in their 90s, very happy (I want to have delicious food to accompany, and have a good life. A heart that loves food, life will not be unfortunate), but julia lived 10 more years.
To watch a movie, you just need to sit and cook in the mood
to enjoy the movie. You need to leave a fixed position, you need to buy the appropriate ingredients according to a list, and then go back to a place with the necessary equipment. In the kitchen, calm down and wait for the food to be completed. There will inevitably be failures in the middle, but because of this, the joy of success is even higher.
One day, when I have my own kitchen, I hope that I will not hate the kitchen because of the trivialities of life, and I hope that my kitchen can be a source of energy for the whole family.
I hope the above ideas are not fantasies and can be accompanied by actions.
(little dragon who loves fantasy)

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.