my movie

Adaline 2022-04-24 07:01:08

An hour before watching this movie yesterday, I was still fighting in the kitchen. From eagerly pouring the sticky soft Japanese rice into the pot, to finally seeing it turn into a pile of charred black unknown objects. So I scolded the owner of this recipe a hundred times in my heart because she didn't tell me what heat to use to cook the rice. Therefore, in a fit of anger, they usually fry all the ingredients that have not yet been cooked into a plate of pasta, fill their stomachs, and start watching movies.

Although cooking is always transformed in anticipation - euphoria or anticipation - disappointment, for me, fresh and delicious food is always the most attractive. This Julie & Julia is literally a movie prepared for me, and countless lines seem to express my heart. When the husband asked Aunt Mei what your interests were, she thought about it for a long time and said it was probably eating. So the aroma of those foods seemed to float from the screen and penetrated into my nose. French style under the American tone, the color of the picture is full of the most popular Vintage style. Those heavy and old-looking kitchen utensils cook food full of mother's taste. Mei Gu's performance is a bit exaggerated, full of the joy of American silly big sister, mixed with the strong old French style, like McDonald's mixed with the taste of foie gras.

This is really my movie. The first time I started blogging, it also started with food. At that time, it was more than 3 years ago. Because I was still in school, I didn’t have the opportunity to cook by myself, so I started with food reviews. I have been writing for more than 2 years, and food has really saved my life. Up to now, it is still the main line of food, with some personal life mixed in. The earliest blog was stopped halfway because of website construction problems, and the one I wrote now has a hit rate of more than 10W. Now that I can finally cook by myself, in the first three months of being here, the pasta cooking that changes every day can also make me feel happy for a while. Although the food native to the island country has been mocked by the French on the other side for hundreds of years, there is still a chance to make very authentic Italian and French cuisine here. The piece of butter smeared on the bread, I don't know how many times I wake up my gradually numb taste. And that Julia's red wine braised beef brisket, under the background of the bay leaf, seems to really bring people to the French table, and sincerely say: Bon appétit!

Finally, I have to praise the color of the film. I am tired of the beautiful white-ground glossy paper and high-saturation and high-level food pictures in "Food and Wine", which are fake like advertising paintings. Food always gets some greasy stains and a brownish color. Whose kitchen is as clean as a gallery?

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Julie & Julia quotes

  • Paul Child: [to Julia] You are the butter to my bread, you are the breath to my life.

    [later echoed by Julie Powell to Eric Powell]

  • [when Julie is eating her first egg]

    Julie Powell: It tastes like... cheese sauce. Yum.