The 312-minute TV version is more than the 188-minute movie version

Nels 2021-12-31 08:02:10

For such a long film, I have to write this stuff when I watch it the second time, and I need to compare the two editions, which shows how laborious it is. With limited verbal skills, others may not be able to understand what you write, so you have the right to write it to yourself. The five-hour version is divided into five acts, and the three-hour version is not divided into scenes. It was edited by Bergman himself, and more than two hours of clips were deleted. The five-hour version is much more plump. List the fragments I found that Bergman cut. Some minor differences are not listed
. 1. There are more sceneries in the opening, rivers, and the slow movement of the camera leads to the mansion, and then leads to the Alexander viewing model; the opening of the three-hour version is directly Alexander Look at the model.
2. Before long, Alexander himself was sitting on a chair at home to install the emperor. The mouse trap under the chair trapped a mouse in the cage. Alexander watched the mouse in the cage and released it.
3. Alexander looked at the whole house under the table. After the statue moved, it was more than Alexander saw a man in a ghost mask approaching him with a sickle. After another turn of his eyes, everything in the house returned to normal.
4. The movie version of Grandma's waiting for the family to dinner is placed before the theater performance, and the 5-hour version is after.
5. Before the performance of the Alexander family in the theater, many audiences were waiting for performances (passing food, whispering, dozing off, saying hello, urging), among them, the later bishop Edward's family who became Alexander's stepfather.
6. More money for the banquet: After Alexander’s father, Oscar, gave a toast to the theater staff to celebrate Christmas (he asked his brother Karl if he was there, and Karl was in the crowd, and he seemed unhappy).
7. Many people talked to each other at more banquets (several paragraphs of characters talked in pairs, lots of details, and a lot of information. This paragraph is very interesting, probably too long, the director deleted it), the three Oscar brothers sang; Oscar did " "Porridge" poems and other plots.
8. After the banquet, Carl’s German wife sings and the old mother Helena recites the poem. The important difference here is that the five-hour version of the servant wheat statue Alexander shows the skirt given to her by Mrs. Aeckar. The plot is Alexander. Imagine that the 3-hour version is a fact.
9. After the extra dinner, after Alexander watched the slides and shouted, his father Oscar went into the house to visit the four children, and used a small chair to tell a story to coax the four children. The children begged Oscar to participate in "Hamlet".
10. After the dinner, when Carl went home and talked with his wife, it appeared that Carl asked his wife if he couldn't even give birth, why should he marry her? Carl wanted to divorce his wife because his wife had been tolerating him.
11. There are more plots of Alexander yawning and lighting a torch for dinner on the second day.
12. At the beginning of the second act, Alexander’s father Osaka had a lot of rehearsal plots before he rehearsed "Hamlet". During the rehearsal, Oscar often forgot his words. Alexander sat next to the old director to watch. The plot of Alexander watching from a distance.
13. The extra bed Oscar dying to tell his wife Emily let the operating theater, according to need, a simple funeral to do some last words (later found not to comply with these two Emily)
14. Before more out of the Oscar funeral The general comes to offer condolences, the bishop who later became Alexander's stepfather offers condolences, the plot where Alexander is going to the bathroom, and the theater actors offer condolences, etc. The plot is longer.
15. At the beginning of the third act, there was a drama performance on the first anniversary of Oscar's death (this drama is also very long, there is an old actor singing with candles), his wife Emily announced to all the actors that she would Leaving the theater, no more performances (but other actors in the theater can continue to perform); Alexander is watching all this in the dark.
16. After the wedding of Emily and the bishop, there is a scene of their family of four passing by the theater, the theater has been closed; there is also a fragment of them passing by the market (there is only music here, no language, Emily and the bishop are smiling Yes, the two children keep their heads down.)
17. At the beginning of the fourth act, "Summer Chapter", there was a lot of grandma Helena receiving a call from Isaac, an antique dealer, talking about her family going hiking. Leaving her at home alone, she also talked about Emily's predicament after marrying the bishop. Many places between the two versions of this scene are disrupted (the order is different)
18. There is more Emily to visit Helena, telling her the misfortunes of the children at the bishop’s house, and expounding his views on Oscar and The feelings of the bishop.
19. After more stress, Shanda was whipped with a cane by the stepfather and bishop. He was locked in the attic and hallucinated. Seeing the two daughters of the bishop who had died, they said that their death was not caused by their father. They frightened Shanda.
20. When Helena’s two sons and her family returned from an excursion, there was an extra conversation between Carl and his wife. Carl was at a dead end and asked his wife to borrow money from his mother. The wife did not go, crying that he could be poor with Carl. In the end, the farce between the two ended up without telling their mother, but Helena heard it all.
21. After returning from an extra hike, Helena's other young grandchildren and granddaughters (Jenny and Putt) came to visit her grandma and brought gifts to her.
22. After Emily came back and rescued Alexander from the attic, a family of three lay on the bed (the most common poster, I also want to watch the movie because of this poster), and the bishop said good night at the door, Alexander He made it clear that he did not want to say good night to him. Afterwards, Emily had a long conversation with the bishop. Emily expressed that she no longer had any love for the bishop, and the bishop said that she would put the pregnant Emily under house arrest. The four acts ended.
23. In the fifth act, Isaac, a Jewish businessman, returned to the antique shop after he rescued Alexander and Fanny from the bishop's house. There was a story that Isaac told Alexander and Fanny before going to bed: the experience of a young man Kak. Afterwards, Alexander had a hallucination: he was a young man in Brother, met all kinds of people, and experienced all kinds of hardships. About 8 minutes.
24. Two more uncles of Alexander, Gustafa and Carl, came to the bishop’s house. The bishop hoped that they would return the children, and the two brothers hoped that Emily and the two children would return to their grandmother’s house. He scolded the bishop for hypocrisy (this performance was very good), and finally Emily appeared, pretending that she didn't want to go back.
25. After the death of the bishop, there is a plot of Emily returning to the theater to see a group of actors and returning to the theater.
26. At the last meeting, Gustafa’s speech was accompanied by a picture of him introducing everyone who attended the banquet.

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Fanny and Alexander quotes

  • Ekdahlska huset - Helena Ekdahl: I loved being a mother. I loved having a big belly. I loved being an actress too, but I preferred being a mother.

  • Emilie Ekdahl - Ekdahlska huset: Your sister gave me sleeping pills for my insomnia. I put three of them in the broth. I did not intend for you to drink it. While you were checking on Elsa, I put three more in. Soon you will sleep very soundly, and when you wake up, I will be gone.