delicate relationship

Thora 2022-10-16 09:14:25

Watched from last yearAfter the first ten episodes of the first and second seasons, I haven't had time to pay attention to the new episodes, until this weekend, taking advantage of the "good" time to recover from diarrhea, I finished watching episodes 11 to 18.

How should I put it, compared to the cracking plot of each episode, I am more and more interested in watching the delicate relationship between Lightman and the women around him. Obviously, the director is very good at describing details, from every expression, word , Action, all full of deep meaning and rich taste, yes, taste. From lightman's ex-wife, to his best partner Forest, and his daughters, including Clara, who has only started appearing in the last few episodes, and of course, his two good starters (a man and a woman), between him and them That kind of hesitant to talk, judge each other's expressions, guess and test each other, etc. Sometimes you can't help but shout classics, which is really wonderful.

The relationship between lightman and Forest, the best partners, is really hard to describe. I still don't know what kind of relationship they have. I always hope that they can be together or have some sparks, but every time At critical moments, the director always intends to keep them at a distance and restraint. Perhaps the best partners should not have such a relationship. Even if the two have feelings for each other, they both tell themselves in their hearts that the layer of paper must not be pierce.

Lightman and his ex-wife, every time they appear on the camera together, there will always be some small orgasms. As Lightman's ex-wife, she always makes Lightman unable to stop and control. Of course, the reverse should be the same, this happy couple Complaining about the family, stealing a relationship from time to time after divorce, they are eager to be together but they are afraid that they will not be able to control each other when they are truly together. This is the most poisonous relationship in the world.

Lightman and his daughter Emili, Emili is definitely Lightman's favorite. He has always been calm, and he is often stunned and completely irrational in dealing with his daughter. It seems that true love really makes people's IQ drop instantly.

How to say, people who like to see details should not miss this film.

After watching episode 20, at the last moment, lightman talked to Forest's vision. I don't know why, every time I see them together now, I have a very bitter feeling, a bit of that kind of sadness that is still there after the end of the calamity, alas . . .

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Lie to Me quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Dr. Cal Lightman: Now that's the truth.

  • [repeated line]

    Dr. Cal Lightman: Do me a favor.