Too aggressive can only impress yourself

Evangeline 2022-10-14 03:19:27

The movie has been reversed several times, but in fact, the truth has been guessed in the middle section. According to the theory of the wise Concubine Jing, the executor of the key steps in a plan must be one of the planners. Constance had David's semen in his body when he died, so David became an inevitable suspect, and the sex was voluntarily proposed by Constance, so if David was not the murderer, then she must have also participated in the plan. But I thought that this was just Dasdi being too radical and led to David's death. I never wanted to see that in the end, David himself was a participant in the plan and maybe even the planner, and I really shuddered.

Perhaps, some things must be changed with the participation of radicals, using some extreme means? However, I have never had much affection for this group of activists, no matter what their claims. There has always been a saying in our country that "death remonstrance is written, and war is fought to the death". However, the death remonstrance of loyal ministers was mostly caused by helplessness in the chaotic times of the last dynasty. Does not being afraid of death justify your claims? Can you achieve your goals by dying? What I have always admired are those capable ministers who can act calmly, patiently, and resolutely even in times of crisis, and turn the tide by themselves. What's more, here, do you still use your own sacrifice to prove the importance of abolishing the death penalty, as Douyou said, to trample on life to prove the value of life? Isn't it self-contradictory, it's ridiculous!

Of course, to analyze it realistically, Constance was suffering from a terminal illness, and it would be better to die for his claims if he wanted to die. David may have been frustrated in his life and felt that he had no love for life, so it is better to take this bet decisively. But this is still easy to admit defeat, is a certain degree of vulnerability. I know that I don't have back pain when I stand and talk, but I just think that in order for others to recognize your ideas, you must first be recognized as a person. Recalling that people recalled that Premier Zhou was always like a spring breeze, and when negotiating with people, he always made people happy and accepted his propositions. This is the power of personality charm. And fierce tit-for-tat quarrels are rarely able to convince people, and may even arouse their rebellious psychology and strengthen their originally less firm opposition.

What's more, if the truth was revealed earlier, then the unjust case would become clear, and people's attitude towards David would definitely change, realizing that he was not a criminal, and the previous rape case might also be an unjust case. Can't really live? Do you really have to die? In the end, he was the most aggressive one. At the end of the film, people's remarks are still stubborn. How much can a false injustice case planned by oneself change much?

At the cost of life, it is not a last resort to accomplish anything, but only for martyrdom. Although this is touching, it does not really change anything.

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The Life of David Gale quotes

  • [Governor Hardin and David Gale are engaged in a debate on Batter's Box]

    Governor Hardin: Alan, let me say something I always say and I'm gonna keep on saying. And that is that I HATE killin'. That's why my administration is willing to kill to stop it.

    David Gale: So, you don't subscribe to the idea that 'a good state is the one that protects its most despised members?'

    Governor Hardin: It's a nice liberal idea. But, like most nice liberal ideas, naive.

    David Gale: It's a quote from you, Governor. From your first state attorney campaign

    Governor Hardin: [flustered] You've got me, Professor. But let me, in my defense, offer YOU a quote. Winston Churchill: 'If you're not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart, if you're still a liberal at thirty, you've got no brain.'

    [studio audience laughs]

    David Gale: So, basically, you feel, to choose another quote, 'society must be cleansed of elements which represent its own death.'

    Governor Hardin: Well, yes. I'd have to agree.


    Governor Hardin: Did I say that too?

    David Gale: No, that was Hitler.

  • Bitsey Bloom: Of course he sympathizes with murderers... he is one!