
Melany 2022-10-20 02:37:10

A few days ago, friends and I recommended movies to each other and was pleasantly surprised to find that our tastes were almost the same. Last night she excitedly pushed this movie to me, and carefully attached the address, and I vaguely felt that it was a movie worth savoring. Looking at it today, sure enough.

I have always felt that for a drama to be exciting, the shaping of the characters and the progress of the plot are indispensable, and the most avoidable logic is confusing. Whether it is the shaping of the characters or the progress of the plot, from my previous movie viewing experience, 80% are inseparable from the changes in the story scenes. Now a lot of Chinese capital is pouring into the entertainment industry, and there are hundreds of millions of large-scale productions at every turn. The scenes are dazzling and special effects are moving, and the costumes are exquisite and famous. Many such production effects that cost a lot of energy and money can't keep up with this black-and-white film made 60 years ago. , a movie with a scene as simple as a lawyer's study, a courtroom, and a short train station.

The background of the story is simple, revolving around a murder case, the main thrust is to defend the defendant's innocence. The main characters are the defendant and the defendant's wife, and my favorite defense attorney for the defendant, an extremely wise old man who just came out of the hospital.

The old man is a well-known criminal defense lawyer in London. He just went home to recuperate on the first day after receiving heart disease treatment. The most homely in the movie is his nurse nagging him to supervise his medication, take naps, and forbid him from his favorite cigars and brandy. The old man's way of taking his medicine obediently while being unforgiving is vivid and interesting. Just after reading other film reviews and discovering that the nurse is the wife of the old man, I felt even more warm and unusual in these scenes.

In fact, I always thought that the old man was just a trial lawyer who loved challenges and excitement. In his heart, his personal achievements were far more important than the law. At the end of the TV, I realized that he has always had British law in his heart, and believes that the dignity of the law is sacred and inviolable, so when I learned that the lawyer he hired for the defendant did not trust the defendant's innocence 100%, even if he was in poor health, he still decided to Play by yourself. He could even sacrifice everything to protect the life of the defender, so he dragged his weak body to the train station after a tiring day to see a piece of evidence that was unknown at the time. When the defendant's wife killed the defendant, he corrected the verb "kill" to "execute" and immediately decided to defend the heroine. Under the circumstance that the defendant was rescued by victory just now, this is tantamount to a public slap in the face, "Look na, that person was still defending the murderer just now. It's shameless, how can he be a lawyer?" There is no doubt that such remarks It will flood around him, but he doesn't care about it, the law is more important than everything. The old man is wise, funny, righteous and childish, and is the person who left the deepest impression on me in the film review.

The defendant's wife, the heroine of the film, appeared like a cold-blooded beauty, noble and elegant, wearing a small suit and holding a handbag, with a straight back. Only later did I find out that she was 58 years old at the time, which really shocked me enough! ! When the heroine shines most to me is when she is standing in court to testify, calm and cold-blooded, despising everything; the least shining moment is when she pounces on the defendant like a dodder. Keep some of her parts, it's also a bright spot.

I don't know if it was because many movie actors came from drama actors in the past, so today it seems that some of the actors' movements are very exaggerated, so exaggerated that it makes me feel funny, but this does not affect the senses.

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Witness for the Prosecution quotes

  • [Miss Plimsoll discovers cigars hidden in Sir Wilfrid's cane]

    Sir Wilfrid: You could be jailed for that. You had no search warrant for my cane!

  • Sir Wilfrid: We've disposed of the gallows, but there's still that banana peel somewhere.