something's gotta give

Deshaun 2022-04-21 09:02:12

My favorite movie after Hitch, not to mention the jokes in the plot, there are also exaggerated parts, but I really like the music in the movie, especially the same episode as Hitck. In addition, most of the costumes in the movie are in black and white, which makes this triangular love triangle for middle-aged and elderly people, which seems to be complicated and contrary to common sense, become relatively simple, romantic and ideal. The gap between the ideal of men and the reality of men and women is finally handled cleverly

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Something's Gotta Give quotes

  • Harry: I just have one question: What's with the turtlenecks? I mean it's the middle of summer.

    Erica: Well I guess I'm just a turtleneck kind of gal.

    Harry: You never get hot?

    Erica: No.

    Harry: Never?

    Erica: Not lately.

  • Harry: I've never seen a woman that age naked before.

    Julian Mercer: You're kidding.

    Harry: Hey! We're not all doctors, baby.