Khalil 2022-09-03 08:44:01

Ele's pale face due to hunger,
Osc's white skin that can be broken by bullets,
Nordic icy daytime,
studio-like fluorescent lights in Apt,
pure white face on Rubik's Cube,

this is the clearest, bright and rebellious vampire film I've ever seen ,
I almost suspect that I have a tendency to pedophilia,
but unlike the original, in
that ending, Oscar is like the old man of tomorrow, just
like the title.
I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the
director made it more like a pure love film that mocks love.

But I prefer this ending,
otherwise, it wouldn't be an adult movie.

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Let Me In quotes

  • Kenny: What are you going to do with that?

    Owen: [holding metal pole] I'm going to hit you with it if you try something.

  • Abby: [to Owen] You have to invite me in.