Know the people, know the face, don't know the heart

Haylie 2022-10-01 00:07:47

In the originally peaceful and harmonious town, everyone knows each other. After a murder case, it revealed the dark side of society such as youth drug abuse, priest alcoholism, extramarital affairs, pedophilia, etc. It can be said that knowing people knowing each other

has some foreshadowings. I gave it in the first season, but did not answer, so I am looking forward to

the foreshadowing of the bald head in the second season .
1 Why the bald head was judged by his mother is the murderer.
Personal speculation: After Susan has experienced such a heavy family incident, I believe that with the criminals People of the same blood will definitely commit crimes. She came to this town to watch him from the side.
2 Why Bald did not kill the dog.
Personal guess: Although Bald has always hated Susan, he is not a murderer, so it’s not true. To kill a cute creature like a dog
3 Why the bald head led a group of people to attack the old man.
Personal speculation: In another British drama "The Same Goal by Different Routes", there is an episode in which the father thought his child was violated by strangers, so he went to besiege with a group of friends He, one of his friends beat him harder and was more emotional, and later discovered that the stranger was actually innocent, and the very excited person was a real pedophile.
4 Why did the bald go out to play with Danny and never tell Other people’s
personal guess: the same reason as the

pastor’s foreshadowing
1 Why DTT dislikes the pastor
Personal guess: it’s not because of the problem of faith, but because the pastor has a good relationship with the blonde girl, and DTT actually likes the blonde girl very much.
2 Has the priest ever abused Dan Ni’s
personal guess: Probably not abuse, but something must have happened, otherwise Tom would not threaten him with this for no reason.

How could you not know?
1 The detective asked Susan and
Susan looked at her meaningfully and helplessly. At a glance, she really didn't understand why the person next to her pillow was the criminal Susan, but she didn't know
2 Beth asked the female detective
The female detective understood Susan’s feelings at this time, and she was speechless. She really didn’t find out.
3 Did Tom know
her personal guess: Just as Beth did not discover Matt’s affair with the blonde beauty, and their relationship The daughter had discovered it a long time ago. The female detective did not find that her husband is close to Danny, and their son should know: one is his best friend, and the other is his father and
children for the family. Relationship is actually more sensitive than adults

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Broadchurch quotes

  • DS Ellie Miller: You don't eat fish and chips? What kind of Scot are you?

  • DS Ellie Miller: Most people have a moral compass.

    DI Alec Hardy: Compasses break.