Valentine's Day, the day when humans collectively think about love.

Darrion 2022-04-24 07:01:08

Valentine's Day, the day when humans collectively think about love. Figure it out, make a decision, think about it, and make a decision. It seems that all experiences related to love in 365 days must be recalled and summarized on this day. Some love starts on this day, and some love ends on this day, and those who can continue unharmed are the fewest. If there is no Valentine's Day, those swaying and busy days will still be passable, but when love comes to this day, it must come to an end and an explanation. Fortunately, on Valentine's Day tomorrow, no one is so serious about the topic of true love or not, just like chocolate and roses that have passed the solar term, and instantly return to the category of food and plants.
Valentine's Day is a day when humans collectively think about love.
When man thinks, God laughs.

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Valentine's Day quotes

  • Liz: Thank you so much for last night, I had a blast, and there is fresh coffee for you in the kitchen.

    Jason: I think I'm out of coffee.

    Liz: Yeah you were, but i borrowed some from your neighbor. By the way she was very surprised that you had female company, she thought that you were gay. Don't worry, I set her straight.

    Jason: Bye.

  • Oversized Baggage Agent: [to Reed] Look, I'm 52, and I wear a bright blue shirt to work. Don't make me madder than I already am.