"Valentine's Day"

Marta 2022-04-24 07:01:08

For more than two hours, talking about a day's affairs and a few couples of lovers is still a bit complicated for me. Sweet mornings, irritated evenings, awakening midnights, and the impermanence of the world, think about whether to love someone or all of them, it will make everyone feel better. Valentine's Day, isn't it for love? Not hugging, not kissing, seems to be a bit lonely. Then go love! Whether it is an old couple in a marriage crisis, a young couple facing graduation, or a lover who has upgraded from a friend, they can all fall in love. Taking this step, "please meet honestly"! Kissing her boyfriend, turning around, Tyler reveals a little girl's secret smile, which is really cute and shy; the two most handsome men have been privately set for life; the three songs at the end The song, light and light, adds half a star to the film.

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Valentine's Day quotes

  • Liz: Thank you so much for last night, I had a blast, and there is fresh coffee for you in the kitchen.

    Jason: I think I'm out of coffee.

    Liz: Yeah you were, but i borrowed some from your neighbor. By the way she was very surprised that you had female company, she thought that you were gay. Don't worry, I set her straight.

    Jason: Bye.

  • Oversized Baggage Agent: [to Reed] Look, I'm 52, and I wear a bright blue shirt to work. Don't make me madder than I already am.