To love someone is to love all of her

Emmalee 2022-04-23 07:02:18

The title sentence is a very classic sentence in "Love Call Transfer" a few years ago: to love someone, you must love all of her.

In fact, what impresses me most in the whole film is the apology when the man knocks on Anne Hathaway's door at the end of the film" "
In a relationship, you have to accept everything about the other person, not just what you like." that part. ''

He said this sentence maybe because the old couple in the cemetery made him realize it, but he is glad that he realized that in

"Little Times" Gu Yuan said: I think the rest are all shit and whoever goes to bed and kisses whom. One of these completely unimportant loves is to accompany him to warm him and consume a huge life with him for a long time.

Many people can't comprehend. Even if they do, they can't help but succumb to reality.

Two people who love each other must want their partner to see the best side of themselves. But Marilyn Monroe once said: If you can't accept me The worst side, then you don't deserve the best side of me.

The way to cheat is never true love. The first thing people have to learn is to

confess It was an Indian child of her age, but in the end he even sent flowers to his teacher and said: You are the most special lover I have ever had.

The two Taylors in the movie make people look very harmonious. This is also the first time I have seen Taylor swift acting. She is lively and cheerful in it, which is very infectious to the audience. Not pretentious, everything feels very natural, especially the two of them end up at the elevator door. When splitting kisses, I believe many people will remember what they looked like when they were in love

Many people think that the gay rugby star is very loving at the end of the episode with her boyfriend. Naturally, he is a little surprised that he is gay, but I admire his courage very much in this era when gays and disadvantaged groups are not understood and accepted. As a public figure, he was able to confess such a piece of news that would affect his life and do not know where he was going at a low point in his career. I think only love can give him such courage. "This has nothing to do with provocation, but about what a man can sacrifice for love." As a comrade, I have to endure more, and I want to sacrifice more.

In short, it is a happy ending. The best part is that it will no longer make people think about it. Usually I have a sad ending. I make up a virtual ending in my heart to satisfy myself. In such a romantic comedy, there are often some other small surprises, which is very relaxing

. I don’t like to use small stars and scores to judge the quality of a movie. I think it’s because of people. Who knows how the same movie will resonate with people at another time and another place? It's not a movie that impresses me very much in my opinion, but it makes me feel good

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