pink flower box

Lupe 2022-04-22 07:01:31

I went all the way, and finally at the moment when the heroine opened the box, the tender pink flowers covered the flower box and hit my heart.

The movie is very sweet. First of all, there are a large number of actresses with beautiful and sweet smiles. The lineup is quite luxurious, just like the candy box of Victoria's Secret in 2005.

There are also sweet love stories for people of all ages and needs, including little boys, old grandpas, Taylors, and S/M groups. (Two Taylors are really a bit of a drama right...)

Falling in love with the best friend, and TA also loves you, how rare and lucky, there is a sweet song called lucky, which sings: Lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

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Valentine's Day quotes

  • Liz: Thank you so much for last night, I had a blast, and there is fresh coffee for you in the kitchen.

    Jason: I think I'm out of coffee.

    Liz: Yeah you were, but i borrowed some from your neighbor. By the way she was very surprised that you had female company, she thought that you were gay. Don't worry, I set her straight.

    Jason: Bye.

  • Oversized Baggage Agent: [to Reed] Look, I'm 52, and I wear a bright blue shirt to work. Don't make me madder than I already am.