Bear kids

Adell 2022-09-18 16:37:36

It's not a good movie, a comic comedy for weekend pastimes, but you might as well write some impressions.

The movie is full of "bear kids" who make people want to slap them!
What’s valuable about movies is that these “hanging silk” bear children also have the opportunity to counterattack, and there are also “soft” moments. Unlike domestic movies that only show ugliness, American movies are valuable in that they can always discover ugliness. That positive "soft moment"!

Whether it is reserved, arrogant, bearish, etc., these people who are not easy and unwilling to communicate, under what circumstances can they open their hearts to each other? When dealing with emergencies, sit down and undress.

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The Sitter quotes

  • Noah Griffith: [to Rodrigo] I know you're a little kid, and I know I'm not supposed to say this kind of stuff to you, but fuck you. Fuck you so much. You're a douche.

  • Tina: But I got your back now Noah, because I found out you got some big ass balls, man!

    Noah Griffith: Can't buy underwear, balls don't fit.