western cowboy vs vampire

Raphael 2022-04-23 07:02:18

If the title of this film is changed to "Western Cowboys vs. Vampires", it is estimated that more people will buy tickets to watch it.

The content of the film is very cliché. The daughter of a vampire hunter is captured by vampires, and the hunter chases and kills vampires all the way with guns and horses. But in the journey, in addition to dealing with the evil vampires, he also has to beware of the elbows of the insiders.

Watching this film is actually watching MaggieQ. Sister M is very popular recently, and Nikita is very strong. The god horse female killer girl is the most loving. Sister M seems to be going the kung fu route, but she is 40 years old and still fights every day, but it seems that she is stereotyped as a kung fu girl, and the transformation is not big. Sister MQ's role in this film is not particularly outstanding. Before the final boss battle, she killed a few small soldiers, and then drove a motorcycle with a stick full of detonators to carry forward the spirit of bin Laden, and hit a train full of vampires. It's really Nikita's possession that he didn't die in the end.

The biggest attraction of this film is the way the protagonist tortures and kills vampires. In the section of the broken bridge, first darts, then hand-to-hand daggers, and then empty punches to death. And it won't hurt! ! ! ! The protagonist of this film uses at least ten kinds of hunting methods. In an 87min action sci-fi film, this may be a record.

The person who commanded the resurrection of the vampire army was actually a former comrade-in-arms. The good friends are strengthened by absorbing the Queen's blood. No matter how you hit it, you can't hurt, and it's too weird to die in the end by an explosion.

Don't spend money on tickets, go home and wait for the D version.

Later, when I checked the story, it was actually changed according to the stick manga. Truly a country that made history.

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Priest quotes

  • Black Hat: The church teaches us that the eyes are the windows to the soul. And that since vampire evolved without eyes, it is a soulless creature, to be eradicated. And I have seen the soul of the vampire, and let me tell you that it is far more pure than that of any man. Now you ask me what I am. I am the bringer of the tide. I am the wave that will wash clean this unclean world. And you, and your Priest, will help me do it.

  • Priest: Is this the world I fought for?

    Monsignor Chamberlain: No, but it's the only world we have.