A game of cat and mouse between beautiful landscapes

Kay 2022-04-20 09:01:41

Although it has a brutal name, it has a fresh and refined style. One is a stern and slovenly uncle who doesn't seem to be interested in anything, and the other is a cute fat man with a fat body and a young age who is super misanthropic. Such a persona sounds very sparkling.

After committing several crimes such as smashing, looting, spitting, and vandalism, Ricky was arranged by the orphanage to Bella's house in the forest. The scenery here is beautiful, the vegetation is verdant, and wherever the field of vision goes, it is a clean green. Mountains and forests, small bridges and flowing water, look refreshing, but not Ricky's ideal place. In fact, Ricky didn't know what kind of family he wanted. The death of his good friend, his past adoption experience, his days in a juvenile detention center, he really couldn't like this world.

The person in charge of sending him to the orphanage was a sturdy lady with a determined look in her eyes. You will always look like you can't escape from my hand, and even the warm words like "We will not abandon any child" from her mouth are like a threat. She knew every crime of Ricky, Ricky knew what she was like, and the two of them had a state of knowing each other and tacitly fighting each other.

Bella taught Ricky to shoot, hunt, cook for him, warm water for him on the cold bed, give him a birthday and give him his dog as a birthday present. These are lives that Ricky has never experienced. Although Bella's husband Hec didn't pay much attention to him, it didn't matter, Ricky, who was all right, was hopping about in the grass. If only life could go on like this. But Bella's sudden death puts Ricky back in shape. Ricky didn't want to move between families, so he ran away from the mountains, and Hec had to find his whereabouts. But in the eyes of the outside world, it was speculated that Hec had kidnapped Ricky. After the food he brought and the water was gone, Ricky was finally found by Hec when the mountains and rivers were exhausted. The duo discovered the announcement of their hunt and the bounty in an abandoned hut. The hunt for Hec, to be precise.

A cat-and-mouse game in which all parties compete for their own ghosts was officially staged.

Following the chase and "escape" shots, we once again experienced the great rivers and mountains of New Zealand, which are so beautiful, open, magnificent and spectacular. Lines and landscapes in panoramic shots seem to overflow. However, under the beauty, there are always other things, such as benefits.

The three hunters, driven by the bounty, have long regarded them as objects in the pool. It's just that their "prey" is not as easy to deal with as usual, and instead has a lot of obstructions and tricks. The "clumsy" of the hunter and the witty resistance of the "prey" contributed a lot of laughs to the film. In fact, their roles are often reversed, and the "prey" becomes the master of the situation. It also paved the way for the head of the hunters to shoot Hec later.

As the pursuit continued to deepen, hunters, welfare institutions, TV newspapers and other media, the police, and people who did not know the truth directly or indirectly became participants in the pursuit. The purpose of the orphanage is to complete the task of "not giving up any child", and the police wishful thinking to rescue Ricky. The media thinks this is a very attractive story. And some "masses" have become fans. "It's so cool!", one of the fans asked for a photo with Ricky, expressing his envy at this kind of life. But what are they really envious of? It is worth thinking about.

Every character found their place in this hunt and was very busy. But the factor that led to the success of the hunt was not the massive investment of multiple forces. On the contrary, these forces are not so advantageous in the face of unfamiliar mountains and forests. The answer is, the kindness of Hec and Ricky.

They found the sick forest guard, and in order to help him, one had to take care of him, and the other asked for support from the outside world. So their whereabouts were revealed. It is quite meaningful that they encountered a "bushman" in the forest, who looked crazy, but in fact provided a vehicle for their escape at a critical time-although, it was also because of him that they further exposed their whereabouts.

After a maddening escape scene, the pursuit came to an end. Ricky went to the next adoptive family and Hec went to a nursing home that looked like a prison. Everything is calm, and it is so boring, even a little depressing. At the end of the film, the two went to find the rare bird they had seen in the mountains and forests together. It seems that a new "hunt" is about to begin. Only this time, they weren't prey.

When you think about it, what Hec and Ricky are really chasing is a precious freedom. Hec has been in prison for manslaughter, Ricky has been in a juvenile detention center, and they have all experienced what it's like to be under control. For them, this freedom is much more real than the so-called "love and care" given by representatives of various forces in the city.

Hec is illiterate, has a criminal record, and cannot have children. In his own words, he is lucky to be taken in by Bella, and he has a place to live in this life. And Ricky has nothing, so he is unscrupulous. It is easier said than done for two marginal characters who are not recognized by mainstream society to gain a place in this lively world. Therefore, no matter how incompatible they were at the beginning, the two had no interest in each other, but during the short pursuit journey, they resisted wild boars together, escaped together, helped others together, and established a profound "revolutionary friendship". Seeing my poor self, isn't it a happy version of "the same people who fall in the world"!

Sadly, this time, returning to the forest for bird hunting is only a brief escape from the real world. "That bird is worth a lot of money" reveals the final end of the story - they have to return to the rules of the mainstream society after all. Even if it is on the edge of the maelstrom of mainstream, even if it has been living on the edge before. The experience didn't fundamentally change anything. Gang life doesn't choose anyone either. At this point, people can't help but laugh at the belly, somewhat lonely.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople quotes

  • Ricky Baker: Shit just got real! Back up, homies, and let go of my uncle!

  • Ricky Baker: We'll just tell them you were looking after me.

    Hec: Doesn't matter what you tell them, they won't believe you. They'll think I made you do it. I'm not going back to jail, I'm better off up here. This is no place for a kid. You're gonna have to go back, Ricky.

    Ricky Baker: To what?

    Hec: To the welfare people.

    Ricky Baker: No!

    Hec: They'll look after you.

    Ricky Baker: No, they won't!

    Hec: They'll find you another home, you'll be fine.

    Ricky Baker: You're not listening! Nobody listens! There's no more homes, just juvy!

    Hec: What's juvy?

    Ricky Baker: Juvenile prison. They don't care about kids like me, they just keep moving us around until something happens like... Amber.

    Hec: Oh no, bugger then. Okay, okay. We're in about a million hectares of bush, that's big, it's big enough to hide in for a while, anyway.

    Ricky Baker: Good enough for me.

    Hec: But we're heading into winter. It's gonna be rough, no huts, no tents, real bush life. Can you handle that?

    Ricky Baker: I can handle it.

    Hec: Yeah. And if you play up, I dump you.

    Ricky Baker: Okay, Uncle.

    Hec: I'd still prefer if you don't call me Uncle.

    Ricky Baker: Okay, Hec. So what do we do now?

    Hec: We run.

    [They run for a few seconds, then stop out of breathe]

    Hec: Wait, wait wait. Maybe we don't need to run.

    Ricky Baker: Oh yeah, let's just fast walk.