Needless to say, the worst SAW ever

Wiley 2022-04-21 09:02:04

I used to think SAW II was the worst bottom line in the series, but it turns out I'm still pretty silly and naive. I also don’t know how Lionsgate would let such an introverted crappie like David Haeckel toss their company’s signature dishes, but Lionsgate’s recent performance is really unbelievable, what” 16 Movies scare you to death" and so on, why not call it "16 horror movie negative teaching materials". Lionsgate doesn't think that making a B-movie doesn't require IQ, does it?
The appearance of SAW V completely gang-raped the fun of SAW a hundred times a hundred times. David Haeckel can obviously be classified as a "no talent, insincere, boring" three-no director. Take someone else's ready-made jokes and add some not-so-smart gimmicks to become a new movie. This kind of work is too cheap to make a promotional video for others, let alone put it in the SAW series.
The management of Lionsgate may have to pay attention to the influence. In fact, a small company like Lionsgate does not have to become bigger and stronger. People can praise you for your style by sticking to the B-level film, but recently, it is obviously sticking to the bad film. Should I praise them for their courage, and Lionsgate has a good reputation, that is, they only stood up after a few movies such as SAW and HOSTEL in recent years, and now they can't wait to play credit overdrafts, why bother?

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Saw V quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Jigsaw: I'm the man you call "Jigsaw".

  • [from Trailer]

    Jigsaw: Today, five people will become one, with the goal of surviving.