rubbish and stupid

Bernhard 2022-04-21 09:02:04

Not to mention the boringness of the plot, just the IQ of the characters is very problematic.

In the first room, even if the key is not universal, one person can open the adjacent box, and the line is long enough.
That is to say, it is enough to obtain the key twice, and the time is enough.

The second room was clearly enough for two people per hole. Or break the bottle to begin with.

In the third room, as long as you take off your clothes, the clothes are soaked, the length is enough, and one person does not need to be exposed to electricity.

The fourth room is simpler and the corpse can be used. Or if the clothes are soaked, take them back and then close the door, that water is enough for a basin, huh, huh. In complex and disgusting cases, the skin of the corpse is used as a bag, and the aorta is used as a tube, and it is enough to fill it.

In addition, all rooms can be used, clothes become cloth ropes, tethered to bombs, hide in another room or hole and pull hard, whether it explodes or not, remove the threat first.

In the rooms of the last two detectives, directly use the gun or clothes belt to jam the gears, or take off all clothes, belts and shoes, fold it to a sufficient thickness, wrap the gun, and jam it in the gap of the cabinet, which can prevent the cabinet from falling down and make the cabinet sturdy. degree, most likely cannot be squashed.

The strength of the barrel is very high, and the clothes are thick enough to withstand tension and compression of 10 tons.

And importantly, all of the above ideas were thought up within 10 seconds of seeing the plot of the room.

In fact, the 1234 episodes are also, as long as they do not restrict personal freedom, they can basically come up with a solution in a very short period of time. The easiest way is to use tools such as clothes and shoes.

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Saw V quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Jigsaw: I'm the man you call "Jigsaw".

  • [from Trailer]

    Jigsaw: Today, five people will become one, with the goal of surviving.