The ending is not shocking enough, the process is not exciting enough

Loren 2022-04-21 09:02:04

The ending is not shocking enough, and the process is not exciting enough. The
most important thing is that I guessed it all~~~~ There
are two clues in this part . After saying "fuck you", I knew that he would not have a good result~~ As the saying goes, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will be at a disadvantage~~~ But the second clue that I appreciate is the imitation of the police's meticulous investigation. In the second part, several people were detained together and how they escaped to heaven. The acting here is much rougher. Maybe the time is limited and some places are far-fetched . The people inside are not panicked at all in the secret room. On the contrary, it seems that it is normal to kill people casually, without any guilt? ? In retrospect, didn't the old man just say to work together! When I first picked up the key, I wondered: Isn't the key the same, can you open it and use it for other people? When I hid in the air-raid shelter, I thought it was a bug . "It's such a big hole, two people can do it with one, so why bother with so much effort"~~ In retrospect, didn't the old man just say we need to work together ~~~ These people are really stupid~~~ They thought the ending was a blockbuster, but they basically guessed it. Did I get smarter after watching the previous SAW series? Maybe I am used to the mode of SAW, I think this is the most rubbish movie, the blood is not bloody enough, the fear is not scary enough, and the ending does not make people realize that the director feels a little perfunctory~~~

Looking forward to the sixth film~~~

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Saw V quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Jigsaw: I'm the man you call "Jigsaw".

  • [from Trailer]

    Jigsaw: Today, five people will become one, with the goal of surviving.