Chainsaw 5

Dashawn 2022-04-20 09:01:41

The opening was the man cut in half by the pendulum, despite doing it by the rules, so? Not a jigsaw.
How do you know that peter.strahm can find the position of the trachea and put a tube in his pocket~
I feel that the editor has already written the Nth part when writing the first part, and they are interlocking~
At the beginning, I will think Hoffman too The old K in the upper part? Hasn't John's body been autopsied long ago? The characters are already a bit confusing, and then he explained it to you from the last episode~ I'm
really annoying when I meet someone who is not calm.
[If you are good at guessing other people's thinking, it will become inevitable by accident]
[The whole is more important than the part] [The eight-person chain building is too awesome]
Each part has a complete game, and the game behind the game The old K made each one linked again.

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Saw V quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Jigsaw: I'm the man you call "Jigsaw".

  • [from Trailer]

    Jigsaw: Today, five people will become one, with the goal of surviving.