A classic twist, going down

Rosalinda 2022-04-20 09:01:41

In fact, watching movies has always been my greatest hobby. I consume a movie almost every day. Some of these movies are classics, or will become classics one day, and some are outright rubbish. In any case, I I will watch it, and slowly let these become a habit and dissolve in the blood.
I have been very busy during this time, I watched a lot less movies, and I didn’t write anything down. A lot of interesting things have passed away quietly, which I think is a pity. Write a bit today.
Every year on the Halloween schedule in the United States, there are several very good horror films released. Such low-budget movies, such as youth campus comedies, are destined to be niche and partial types, so if you want to be successful There must be a wonderful story, an excellent director, and a group of special actors who perform diligently. I personally think that the "Chainsaw" series should be one of the best in the classic thriller rankings (almost every one can have hundreds of millions of income, which is unforgettable by other low-cost and poor works), from "Electricity" From the beginning of "Saw Fright 1", the character "Jigsaw" began to survive vividly in the hearts of horror movie fans. A shriveled and thin old man, his voice was low and hoarse, but he was very seductive. I think this is the second most murderous maniac after "Doctor Hannibal".
The Chainsaw (the first director, the Malaysian James Wan is a great man who should be etched in history) won me over with a brilliant idea, and I still think the first episode is in the series Best episode, not only does it keep my heart hanging in the air the whole time, but the unexpected ending gives me the 'pleasure' of being fooled. Because in a movie like this, it's not easy to make smart and critical fans feel fooled. It's this ending that sets Saw apart from other thrillers, and it's what makes this series so brilliant.
Originally, when "Chainsaw 4" came out last year, the soul character "Jigsaw" died at the very beginning, which made me feel that the signs of the series going downhill had already appeared. The way the flashbacks run through the entire plot surprised me, but I still feel that the series is not as good as it used to be. I've written one of the best trilogy movies before, and "Chainsaw" is the best of the thrillers, but unexpectedly it made a fourth episode, which made me very amazed. Lionsgate is certainly reluctant to let go of that fat as the series is such a blockbuster, and it wouldn't surprise me at all that a fifth episode is coming out this year.
But Saw 5 is not a very good thriller in my opinion. Maybe to the novice, the minced human flesh, the sophisticated killing mechanism, the blood spray and the shrill howl seem to be very enjoyable, but the thriller enthusiasts will never be satisfied. The most important horror gimmicks in movies are continuations of the past. (The first three episodes are so good, it's really hard to surpass them). However, this episode also adopts the old routine of moving forward and backward in time and space, but it seems a bit messy in handling. It may also be because I haven't reviewed this series for a long time. In the first 20 minutes of the movie, I The most spent brain cells is to associate the previous plot and straighten out the relationship between the characters. (Can't blame me, the two leads Tobin Bell and Scott Patterson are so similar).
But what's interesting about this episode is that it reverses the plot. Because in the fourth episode, "Jigsaw" died, and the heiress of Jigsaw died too.••••••It can be said that the end of this episode is full of dead bodies. This movie is really coming to an end. But in this episode, a brand new heir was created, giving people a bit of courage to continue. Moreover, many of the mysteries of the series of movies have not been solved. For example, what is the material left by the "jigsaw" for the early stage? What's the point of that wooden doll? Wait, barely support me looking forward to watching the next episode.
Humans are bloodthirsty by nature. However, for the vast majority of people, this nature is deeply repressed under the modern civilization system, so bloody horror movies have become an excellent way to release our long-repressed primitive instincts. People like to gather together and gasp loudly while munching on popcorn and watching their own kind on the screen, supported by high-end video and audio equipment. This is really a very enjoyable and very morbid thing.
However, this is the reality, man is such a strange animal.

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Saw V quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Jigsaw: I'm the man you call "Jigsaw".

  • [from Trailer]

    Jigsaw: Today, five people will become one, with the goal of surviving.