Let's take a break

Katelin 2022-04-19 09:01:54

I watched it all the way. Before 3, I almost worshipped it, but when I reached 4, I was greatly disappointed. After watching 5, I really hope that Mr. Chainsaw will stop cooking soon. Physically completely shut down.
Chainsaw 5 has a lot of loopholes in the plot, and the ending has no 123 surprises at all, and what is even more exasperating is that it still leaves a shameless tail.
The spirit of Mr. Chainsaw is eternal, good people will never have a good end, and those who are played will not have a chance to be reborn (don't listen to Chainsaw's words so good, from one to five, which one has a good end?)
5 The players in the game are extremely stupid. In fact, Mr. Chainsaw is not that smart. His knowledge is like a god from the opponent's stupid cannon. Some people always say that if you put you in a secret room, you are not as good as others, etc. Wait, I'm slow to respond, so I don't have any strong rebuttals, but I know that according to those people, no matter how bad the chainsaw is, it can shoot infinitely.
Not to mention, if the Chainsaw 6 comes out, I might still watch it, I am thick-skinned, but it is still far from the chainsaw family.

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Saw V quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Jigsaw: I'm the man you call "Jigsaw".

  • [from Trailer]

    Jigsaw: Today, five people will become one, with the goal of surviving.