We've all been chainsawed

Alexandrine 2022-04-19 09:01:54

After watching 4, I plan to give a star after watching 5, and I have watched 5 in a row. So 1-5 gave 5 stars. 5 well-rounded ones.

Don't be too harsh, after all , I'm already a vegetarian compared to many nausea that are good enough . I can't stand seeing the last good guy being crushed like this~

Why should I watch 2, because 1 is amazing, why should I watch 3, because the unsolved fans of 2 make me involuntarily, why should I watch 4, because After watching 3, my doubts are even bigger, why do I want to watch 5, because the snowball of mystery accumulated by 1, 2, 3, and 4 makes me feel so cold that I have to watch 5, maybe it is I think the Chainsaw classic is where the episodes are very coherent, very engaging, and so well edited that I hardly ever feel impatient at all, every second of which is tense. Just like the poor fbi at the end~ I have to go and find out, he was also severely chain-sawed~

but the more you play this game, the more clichéd it becomes, and even the players inside are already familiar with every detail that is about to happen. And saying it as a line is really a spoof~ It also indicates the decline of the chainsaw...

1. Every detective and suspended detective in it loves to investigate cases alone, no matter how late or how much time is available. Maybe John will say that he understands their hearts, and the guilt and self-blame of dead colleagues made them go alone, but all the martyrs in the past are in front of them, why do they have to die one by one? And they don't like to do what the chainsaw tells them to do. They don't do what the chainsaw tells them to do. The black people and the yellow people are pitiful, and there is no warning. After all, in the first episode, a large group of people were trapped in the cage, and then Matthew was locked up by himself. Later, they will use robots, but that idiot fbi man He and the girl insisted that two people listen to the recording, then the black police officer, and finally the unlucky neck breathing fbi. He has followed so many cases in a row, why doesn't he understand how to follow the recording?

2. Before opening the door, when going up the stairs, see if there is a device, such as a very thin wire. If the door is opened, the door should be kept open, then discuss the connection points of everyone, and finally let the door close, so that the doll Speak ~ and the door is closed and can't be opened again. It made me not know whether to close the door or not when I got home. I was so afraid that after closing the door, I started to say, hello, let’s play a game!

3. Don't fall asleep, avoid people who are holding injection needles, and wear thicker clothes to avoid being anesthetized by the needles. Because one day when you wake up, you may be tortured into a terrifying machine, and customs clearance may not be useful. Doing what is said in the recording may not be dead, but if you do not follow it, you will definitely die. But it is also possible to do it according to the inside, and it will be painful to die first, and then die.

4. Don't live alone in one place, if not single, never leave your loved ones, if you leave because of an argument with him/her, chances are you or he/she will be caught playing the game right away.

5. Nowhere you are, including your home, your office, is safe, and chainsaws are very good at getting in and out as if no one else is around.

6. Run away when you see the pig head mask.

7. The good guys often die first, and the bad guys stay alive before a sequel can be made. I think the female police officer who was dismembered died the worst~ There are also the fbi woman and fbi man, and many, many people, why should they all die?

8. Be good, don't be curious, don't track, don't listen closely if you can't hear anything, don't touch the device casually, be sure to stay away from dangerous devices and remind people around you not to tamper with them, and when others remind you to let go, you must let go, especially Many people have reminded you many times that you have to take a vacation, you must forgive everything, no matter how many people around you are dead and you are not dead, don't watch the video tapes related to chainsaws, there must be some videos that night. If things happen, they will not end well if they continue to follow them.

9. Keep a smile on your face when you see the surveillance camera, otherwise you will be mistaken for your life as a walking dead and be caught to play games, and you must maintain a perfect family relationship with your family, otherwise you will also be caught in the chainsaw, always remind yourself Cherish life, if you cherish life enough, don't be curious.

I have a stuffy nose. I'm going to sleep. Don't play games when I wake up or fall asleep! After watching 2 that night, I already played a few games in my dream, I'm afraid~

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Saw V quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Jigsaw: I'm the man you call "Jigsaw".

  • [from Trailer]

    Jigsaw: Today, five people will become one, with the goal of surviving.