abominable war

Kamryn 2022-04-24 07:01:06

We have been educated in patriotism since childhood, and when we saw this history, we wanted to kill the little Japan. A movie is a movie. He describes the damage of war to human beings from another angle. Isn't that enough? There are already too many Chinese films about how Chinese people are bullied and not oppressed, can't we just accept a little other voice? I don't think the director's point of view is pro-Japanese, or that he can avoid the oppression of the Chinese people, but he wants to tell a completely different story. I didn't expect that the male protagonist was actually Christian Bale. When I saw him looking straight ahead in despair in the crowd, he seemed to give up looking for his parents, and I burst into tears. Thinking of what he said to the doctor before: I have forgotten what my parents looked like... The war made this child who grew up in sugar water have the desolation of the elderly and the pragmatism of adults. Lucky or unfortunate? Fortunately, he has always had love and has always longed for friendship and family. Even though the American Bessie abandoned him again and again, he still regarded him as a friend. Even though the Japanese bullied him so much, he still made good friends with that lovely pilot.

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Empire of the Sun quotes

  • Frank: [Frank and Basie see Japanese men dancing in the house] Damn it Basie, they're Japs

    Basie: I can see that Frank, back out of here.

    Frank: I can't back out, there's no reverse

    Basie: Just go foward

    Frank: Come on.

  • Basie: Jesus, those Coney Island pilots!