Shooting point research 9: Where was the little boy's home in "Empire of the Sun" filmed? The real filming location is thousands of miles away from Shanghai

Kristian 2022-04-21 09:02:04

After the release of Spielberg's "Ready Player One", the editor's curiosity about the director was aroused, and a series of his works were rediscovered. Among them, "Empire of the Sun" was related to Shanghai, which also aroused the editor's interest in the filming location. interest of.

So I wrote a few articles and made some research on the filming locations in the movie. As long as there are obvious landmarks, similarities can be found in the current street view map of Shanghai. Such landmarks, including the corner of the building, because the decoration of the building may be unrecognizable, but the curvature of the corner will not change; There is the slope of the road, the width of the river, and the structure of the bridge, which are relatively easy to identify, and they will not reverse with the change of the city.

Thanks to the netizens in Shanghai for providing on-the-spot experience in childhood, and also providing important clues for finding the shooting location in the movie.

There are also friends who are very concerned about where the little boy Jim's home was filmed. Netizens also combined their personal experience in Shanghai to provide clues to find.

From the description of the novel, Jim's residence is on "Anhe Temple Road".

"Anhe Temple Road" is today's "Xinhua Road". "Anhe Temple" actually has nothing to do with temples. It is a transliteration of the name of a British diplomat. In the 1920s, it was still a wilderness. Later, foreign businessmen developed many garden villas and townhouses here. Most of the people living here are senior executives from consulates and commercial institutions in Shanghai.

Later, the movie shows the Jim family going to a party for the British. This party is located in "Hongqiao". The novel says that the place is "a countryside five miles west of Shanghai", but the movie places this place in Hongkou, Suzhou and Hebei. The location of Zhabei is obviously wrong from the orientation of the novel.

Looking at the current "Xinhua Road", it can be seen that the road is not wide, and it does not look like the road where the little boy Jim's house is located in "Empire of the Sun".

Below is a street view of the Xinhua Villa, known as the foreign alley. It can be speculated that the author of "Empire of the Sun" should live in this area of ​​foreign alleys.

Look at the street in front of Jim's house in the movie, it's obviously completely different.

Let's zoom in on the street sign, and we can see the English letters above: Amherst Avenue, which is Anhe Temple Road, which is now Xinhua Road.

Another strange phenomenon is that when looking at the gate from the villa area in the movie, you can see that the front of the gate is not open, but full of flowers and plants.

Pay attention to the gate in front of the country, you can see a tree wall outside.

But after Jim went out, it was an empty street. It can be seen that Jim's home in the movie may not have been filmed in the same place. Spielberg's ability to connect flowers is indeed not ordinary strong.

And this road in the movie is obviously completely different from the width of today's Xinhua Road, which indicates that the streets of Shanghai in this movie are not shot in Shanghai at all.

Let's find information. According to the book "The Director's Rhythm", Jim's family was actually filmed in London.

It can be seen that Spielberg directly replaced the bungalows in Shanghai with villas in London, England. But the problem is that the streets of Shanghai are basically narrow, and there are hardly any wide streets like the British location in the movie. Although the scenes in the movie look pretty and have a 100% foreign flavor, they are not The taste of Shanghai's mixed Chinese and Western tastes is mixed with Chinese flavor.

I have seen a feature film in the past. Through Chaplin's discarded film, we can decipher the secrets of Chaplin's films. Now, we can also see how Spielberg spliced ​​together different shooting locations to form a smooth and related complete scene in his movie. In fact, Shanghai in the movie was shot in China, the United Kingdom, and Spain. Completed, the previous shot was at Jim's house, the actual shooting location was in the UK, and then the car opened the gate and arrived at the shooting location in Shanghai. A door is separated, but it may be separated by oceans, thousands of miles away. In this sense, wandering around the filming location left by Spielberg can see how well Spielberg manipulates the footage of the film so that his films capture the most beautiful scenes and combine them into a group A breathtakingly beautiful picture.

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Empire of the Sun quotes

  • Frank: [Frank and Basie see Japanese men dancing in the house] Damn it Basie, they're Japs

    Basie: I can see that Frank, back out of here.

    Frank: I can't back out, there's no reverse

    Basie: Just go foward

    Frank: Come on.

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