Who among us is not a thief?

Evangeline 2022-01-03 08:01:20

Hughson: How did you-I mean, why did you...?
Robie: Why did I take up stealing?...To live better, to own things I couldn't afford, to acquire this good taste which you now enjoy and which I should be very reluctant to give up.
Hughson: Oh, you mean you were frankly dishonest.
Robie: I tried to be.
Hughson: You know, I thought you'd have some defense, some tale of hardship-your mother ran off when you were young, your father beat you, or something.
Robie: Naah, no. I was a member of an American trapeze act in the circus that traveled in Europe. It folded and I was stranded, so I put my agility to a more rewarding purpose.
Hughson: You have no other defense.
Robie: No. For what it's worth, I only stole from people who wouldn't go hungry...
Hughson: I take it you were a sort of modern Robin Hood. I mean, you gave away most of the proceeds of your crimes.
Robie: Kept everything myself. Well, let's face it, I was an out-and-out thief, like you.
Hughson: Steady, old man.
Robie: No, no, wait a minute. Have you ever taken an ashtray from a hotel or a towel?
Hughson: Souvenirs, they expect that.
Robie: You're given an expense allowance to pay for all the meals you eat on the job. Right? But this meal is free. Now, are you going to deduct the price of a lunch from your expense account? Well, of course you're not. It would be stupid . Do you agree?
Hughson: Yes.
Robie: You're a thief. Only an amateur thief, of course, but it will help you to sympathize with us professionals.

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To Catch a Thief quotes

  • Frances Stevens: Maybe Mr. Hughson doesn't care for gambling.

    Jessie Stevens: Everyone likes to gamble in one way or another, even you!

    Frances Stevens: I have an intense dislike for it.

    Jessie Stevens: Francie, dear, when the stakes are right, you'll gamble!

  • John Robie: Miss Stevens?

    Frances Stevens: Yes, Mr. Burns?

    John Robie: You know what I think?

    Frances Stevens: About what?

    John Robie: You.

    Frances Stevens: I don't really care.