Heroes are created!

Ibrahim 2022-08-19 12:21:25

Overall a high quality war movie! The level that the film wants to express is expressed. The first is the cruelty of war. Although there is no big scene from other movies. But the urgency and fear of war can be felt. The second is that there is no excessive propaganda of patriotism and individual heroism. On the contrary, the three heroes here are the heroes promoted by the media! It is also the political need behind the war! Colleagues see that there has never been an independent war, but a game of political interests! Thirdly, about the reappearance of the shadow obstacles in the soldiers' hearts after the war. The war was over and no one cared about them. Including career and social security and psychological counseling. All reflect social problems.

In the shooting technique, a large number of interludes and flashbacks are used. Basically, everything is clearly expressed in the chapter. It's very powerful to make one thing clear and express everything you want to express at the same time. This is really great! At the same time, the application of flashbacks and interludes also forms a sharp contrast in the separate application of the film. This contrast expresses the inner pain and contradiction of the Indians to the extreme! I have to admire the fine-tuning of the inner changes! Of course, American movies like to express inner changes! It will give the viewer a lot to think about after watching it as a whole!

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Flags of Our Fathers quotes

  • Lindberg: [while losing at poker] Chief, I had very little to do with Sitting Bull's death, so maybe you could stop taking it out on me.

    Ira Hayes: Different tribe. The Pimas fought on the side of the white man.

    Gust: See, now that's smart.

    Hank Hansen: That *is* smart.

    Ira Hayes: Yeah. Worked real good for us.

  • Lundsford: You actually chose the Marines because they had the best uniforms?

    Rene Gagnon: No sense being a hero if you don't look like one.