the beast in you

Coralie 2022-10-14 18:13:30

1 I'm not religious and not an atheist;
2 I don't understand religion;
3 My only Lars von Trier is "Dancer in the Darkness", not a favorite;
4 I haven't watched Tarkovs base.

In a book I was reading recently, there was a story like this. There was a man whose wife was mentally ill and burned down the house. Everyone advised him to take his wife to see a doctor. In the end his wife killed all three children, he killed his wife, and then he became insane.
In the past, I didn't like to talk to people with mental problems. I thought people who couldn't control themselves were troublesome. The explanation below may seem like I'm justifying my selfishness and ruthlessness, but in fact, I've watched too many and it's not a problem. Old love A little girl who pretends to be autistic, so I have an inexplicable aversion to diseases such as depression and depression, and I think it's all pretending. The book I mentioned above mentioned something like this, that mental problems are actually as uncontrollable as migraines.
I have been plagued by migraines for many years. When I was the most sad, I would cry out in pain. So when the author said that, I immediately felt that I was wrong before. Mental illness is like a stomachache, headache, diarrhea, and it is beyond our control. Except for the authorities, what other people say: "Calm down!"
—— It's all bullshit.
Last year, I experienced some bad things. I drank very violently. I was drunk every night. When I had a few cramps, I cut my legs and arms with a knife, and burned fireworks. I was hysterical. Big, although those days are gone forever, but often when I am alone in the dead of night, I often worry that I have become like that, uncontrollably crazy. Going back a little bit, at that time, every night when I was drunk last year, I gradually calmed down, my breath slowly calmed down, I was so afraid, I was afraid that the next time I went crazy, I would jump from the upstairs , or hurt the people around me, I don't know where my limit is, I don't know how big the monster in my heart that scares me can grow, will it eat me, or eat the people around me.

In this year's new film, Woody Allen borrowed a sentence from the protagonist that the idea that human nature is inherently good is wrong.
I often think of this sentence later. I have heard this sentence many times before, but I have never thought about it seriously. This sentence has always been regarded by me as a way for creators to advertise themselves as different from others. However, I thought about it slowly, and then felt the correctness in it.
Human kindness, and the so-called human nature, are indeed built up the day after tomorrow.
Humans evolved from animals. After evolution, they say they are high-level animals to distinguish themselves from other animals. But before evolution, they were probably no different. Every day, they would break their heads in order to compete for food, and to win a female to reproduce. Descendants fought a lot. At that time, the bullshit respected the old and loved the young, and the bullshit had a fair competition. All moral standards, and what is noble human nature, are produced step by step after the establishment and society.
Clan, tribe, village, city, country, world.
Human versus human, tribe versus tribe, village versus village, city versus city, country versus country.
Even today, when there are moral standards, codes of conduct, and supervision by public opinion, it is still impossible to say that everyone is good. Did some people become bad due to differences in the environment during human growth? Certainly not, but most of them got better.
Toddlers, even younger, throwing bottles at their dads during meals; crying and beating their mothers at the mall for not getting their beloved toys; robbing money at school gates as teenagers , bullying girls who are weaker than him. Not because their parents taught them to do it, but because their parents didn't teach them not to.
Because these are their natures, their natures that have not been added to the unity of society.
Although they look like humans, wear human clothes, speak words that we all understand, and write recognizable handwriting, they are still small beasts, and their animal nature has not been worn away.
What about us?
Our inner bestiality, that arrogant and selfish little animal, where has it gone?
was killed?

Our nature is intangible, not a mobile phone or a teacup, not a calendar or a ballpoint pen. There is no way to put it in Wall-E's stomach and squeeze it hard, and then declare that this thing is abolished and destroyed.
Those things like animals, those strong possessiveness for their own needs—appetite, sexuality, and materialism—are not destroyed or killed, because they are neither objects nor life in themselves. The reason why they are not reflected in us now is because they are suppressed and endlessly looped "Get along well with your classmates." "Don't fight." "You should bow when you see the teacher." "Gasser is wrong. .", suppressed by these things, because these things are too powerful and pervade all corners of life, can't be ignored, can't not be affected. So we gradually forgot the pictures of grabbing toys from kindergarten children when we were children, and also forgot the feeling of climbing on the stool and stealing candy to eat.
Of course, if I were to say that I prefer my current self, it's not a bad thing to be socialized, because I was taught that it was right since I was a child, I'm used to the current order, and I don't know how I can convince myself that anti-order is Right, I don't know why I should convince myself that much.

However, one cannot but acknowledge the existence of this nature.
The brightest things I can see, the brightest things, tend to kind of frighten me. All the dogma, the near-perfect code of conduct, where the most rational and full of wisdom belongs, terrifies me a little. I will think in my heart, how big a beast is in my heart, and it needs so many things to suppress it? How fierce must that beast be to control it with such a perfect, almost mechanical way of thinking and self-discipline?
The reason why I think so is because I always think that when people exist, there must be something in their hearts that is fighting against them. There is no smooth and consistent individual in the world. Every individual is in a certain deep, once fierce Maybe everyone is different, and everyone has a different self to face, but no one is born with the current values ​​and outlook on life, and has everything that meets the standards of this society. There is no such person. .
Therefore, when the beast is strong, the individual needs a stronger acquired human nature to conquer the beast. When the beast loses, the acquired human nature wins. Some people's beasts just fell asleep and were completely suppressed - although I don't think there is a beast that riots only once in a lifetime, but I don't know everyone, so I can't rule out the existence of this situation. But the beasts in the hearts of more people will attack again and again, so the stronger acquired humanity will erupt again. Therefore, I would think that people with strong acquired human nature must have fought many times with the beasts in their hearts, but who can guarantee that acquired human nature will always win, maybe lose a battle, maybe, after many rounds, still is lost.
Of course, the animal nature I am talking about is not just the desire to destroy, attack others, or take something.

What did Lars von Trier say about the slaughter of witches, the Antichrist? I'm not religious and I don't know the history of the slaughter of women, but this is for women? It doesn't matter if others think so, and it doesn't matter to me if the director thinks so. The deepest feeling this movie gave me was the power of the beast in the human heart. If you don't face it and fight against it, you will be swallowed up. The desire to destroy is not formed, it is nature, the real nature, just like a child will pinch his beloved kitten, hear the cat screaming, and be taught by his mother to treat them gently. The desire to be noticed by the creatures they care about, to be responded to, to act, and even to overdo it, these are the things that children do, unpolished and modified character.

Writing this stuff sucks.
This is the scariest movie I've seen this year. Although I'm not a horror movie lover, I've basically watched 60 or 70% of all kinds of torture movies, but this one is the scariest. Maybe because I know that anyone may do that, at a certain moment, when they are defeated.

PS Later, I found out that I have also watched the director's "Dog Town" and "Idiot", which are pretty good.

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Extended Reading

Antichrist quotes

  • He: I love you.

    She: You don't.

    He: I do.

    She: I don't believe you. I don't BELIEVE you! I DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!

  • He: Remember, what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.