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Although not a masterpiece
Rubye 2022-04-22 07:01:15
Kasey 2021-11-22 18:54:19
The scenery is infinitely good, but the plot is bad.
Clementine 2021-11-22 18:54:19
The work feels average, but the costumes, lighting, etc. I really like it. Many movie pictures are very beautiful, and the light and shadow effects are also great.
Drover: What're you talkin' about?
Lady Sarah Ashley: You... you want... You want to have it *on* with me.
Drover: What? Wha- What was that?
Lady Sarah Ashley: Oh, you know *exactly what I'm saying. Just like you have it on with that poor girl that you're exploiting, an-and God knows how many others!
Drover: What are you *talking* about? You got a filthy mind, lady.
Lady Sarah Ashley: You're an animal!
Drover: I wouldn't have it on with *you,* if you were the only tart left in Australia!
Drover: Now where the *hell* are all the bloody stockmen, eh?
Lady Sarah Ashley: That's what I need to speak to you about.
Drover: Where's Fletcher?
Lady Sarah Ashley: We disagreed, and I dismissed him.
Drover: [Dumbfounded] ... *Dismissed?*
Lady Sarah Ashley: Yes.
Drover: Wait, wait a minute, hold on. What about the cattle?
Lady Sarah Ashley: Well, as he was leaving, he *deliberately* let the cows out of the, uh... I don't know, whatever you call it, and they *ran off.*
Drover: [Storms off] Damn! Do you realize, woman, what you've done?
Lady Sarah Ashley: Mr. Drover, do not take that tone with me *thank you, very much!*
Drover: [Stomps back to her] Don't take that tone with ya, huh?
Lady Sarah Ashley: [Firmly] No.
Drover: I'm askin' ya, woman, do you know what you've *done?* I won't get another drove this late in the season, alright? You've cost me my *living!*
Lady Sarah Ashley: Can't you just round them up?
Drover: Round 'em up, huh? Oh, round 'em up, yeah. Huh? Round 'em up!
Lady Sarah Ashley: Yes! You just... go *get them!*
Drover: Fifteen-hundred head o' cattle, scattered over a million acres with just me, and my two men. That's a *great* idea! Stupid cow...