Lots of touching points. recommend.

Lavonne 2022-04-20 09:01:40

Love derived from war seems to be especially precious, as if it will be crushed if you are not careful.
Love, family, war and friendship.
How should I look at a woman who fights against bad guys for a piece of pasture and drives 1,500 cows with rough farm natives and workers? This feeling is definitely not just admiration.
I like the male lead more than Kiman. Very Man, the firm look he looked at Kiman was the source of his sense of security.
And there's that kid, I like his voice, as he said, he's a magician, and his voice is so calming.
There are so many unforgettable characters throughout the film.
King George who finds his way wherever he goes. Willing to sacrifice his vest for friendship and children. Determined not to drink, but still hides a "little person" at the bottom of the box, an accountant who was injured in order to protect Nala. Fulcher who will do anything to achieve his goals. The kind Mrs. Mani...
There are too many moving points, the heart is constantly touched during the process of watching, and the trust, cherishing and care between people come to mind again and again.
Definitely recommend.

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Extended Reading

Australia quotes

  • Magarri: If you've got no love in your heart, you've got nothing... No dreaming, not story, nothing.

  • Drover: What're you talkin' about?

    Lady Sarah Ashley: You... you want... You want to have it *on* with me.

    Drover: What? Wha- What was that?

    Lady Sarah Ashley: Oh, you know *exactly what I'm saying. Just like you have it on with that poor girl that you're exploiting, an-and God knows how many others!

    Drover: What are you *talking* about? You got a filthy mind, lady.

    Lady Sarah Ashley: You're an animal!

    Drover: I wouldn't have it on with *you,* if you were the only tart left in Australia!