We are all made of greed

Vaughn 2022-04-21 09:01:58

From the perspective of different interests, the nature of things will be different. For example, Peter asked Sam to sell these garbage mbs to unwitting buyers and cause a financial crisis. Is the right thing to do? sam asked for whom?
From a personal point of view, everyone is also for their own interests. Sam can continue to do the work he doesn't want to do for money, and Eric can put down the dignity of a bridge engineer who used to benefit the people for the money. They all come out to mix and eat, there is no way.
It is difficult to change from extravagance to thrift. Sam is still short of money after working for so many years, and Will's 2.5 million US dollars is just gone.
The portrayal of characters in the play is mainly limited to the image of the workplace, such as sam, his emotional world, his relationship with his son, etc. We have no way of knowing. At most, we can only do it from his love for dogs and indifference to his son. A little speculation.
Judging from the theme of the whole film, there is no way to avoid the cyclical decline of the capitalist system, and the greed of human nature is what causes this cycle to repeat itself. We just can't control ourselves. As sung in the imagine dragon song, no matter what we breed, we are all made of greed. Will was right on the East River with what he said to seth, normal people want to buy a luxury car and live in a big house, but they cannot rely on themselves. It couldn't be done, so the investment bankers gave them credit and let them consume in advance to meet their needs. When the crisis comes, how can normal people pretend to be innocent and pass all the responsibilities to the investment bankers?
In the end, bull shit is boring, everyone is doing it for profit, like Seth telling Jared in the toilet that this is what I really like to do, and being jared coldly saying really? Dress it up, people here are all smart people, some things are okay to brag in the behavioral interview, and talking about such fake feelings with the big boss is unavoidable.

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  • Sarah Robertson: At the time, it didn't seem like there was much of a choice.

    Eric Dale: It never does.

  • Will Emerson: You know, the feeling that people experience when they stand on the edge like this isn't the fear of falling - it's the fear that they might jump

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