Improve the prison environment

Karl 2022-04-21 09:01:58

"Margin Call" is actually a financial term that refers to a notice received by an operator for a margin call.

The most straightforward depiction of the company's food chain, 1. New employees at the bottom -> 2, 19-year-old team leaders -> 3, middle-level technical and money-worshiping power supervisors -> 4, principled department leaders -> 5, Cold-blooded boss->6, the master of the helm

The price of a company continuing to grow over four decades is the layoffs that happen every day, and you get dumped without enough value.

Stanley Tucci plays the head of the risk assessment department.

The 19-year-old employee in the film is shrewd and capable, reflecting and predicting the company's asset loopholes in advance, but they are killed in advance by office politics. In the film, he used to be an architect, and the statistics and statistics of the construction of the bridge are extremely exciting. It shows that human wisdom can benefit one party in a small way. Human beings use the same wisdom to engage in financial work, which indirectly leads to the financial crisis and ruins the happy life of many people. The old bastard summed up the truth from his own experience: people sometimes just want to pretend that they don’t care, they think it’s better to take a long way to go home, and it doesn’t matter if the economic development is stagnant or backward, anyway, everyone is like this. So if the company leaves everyone, you don't have to work so hard on yourself, and you are not as important as you think. Very straightforward and objective.

Jeremy Irons as company behind the scenes

In the matter of interest, Todd sees it more thoroughly; what he upholds: the three creeds of being smarter, reacting faster, or simply cheating. It highly summarizes the rising means of capital giants. He has the confidence to negotiate with anyone, whether it is to remove personal moral bottom line or find someone to be a scapegoat, the only means used is money, enough money, and it works every time, without exception.

Format of the film:

The old employee who was dismissed was called back by the company. If he didn't come back, he would have no benefit. If he came back, it was to cover up the facts and not to declare the company's crisis! On the contrary, many employees who worked hard for the company sold bonds and stocks for the company, and many people were immediately laid off. Even though it's not as entertaining as The Big Short, and it's a bit smaller in format, the small cuts have the benefit of small cuts, and it makes the overall story tighter and smoother. In the whole film, the main scenes take place in the office. The tone of the whole film is extremely cold. There is no soundtrack. Doomsday atmosphere is really not easy.

Listen to a snippet:

After the completion of a major project, there are still remaining funds. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to study whether it should be used to improve the conditions for running schools in primary and secondary schools or to improve the environment of the prison. The opinions have not been unified.

In the end, the old Standing Committee decided the world: Will your class of Standing Committee members still have the opportunity to enter primary and secondary schools in this life?

Suddenly silent, some wipe sweat, some bow their heads and drink tea. A consensus was soon reached:

Improve the prison environment.

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Margin Call quotes

  • Sarah Robertson: At the time, it didn't seem like there was much of a choice.

    Eric Dale: It never does.

  • Will Emerson: You know, the feeling that people experience when they stand on the edge like this isn't the fear of falling - it's the fear that they might jump

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