Men in Black: Global Pursuit is nothing but an assembly-line movie with serial elements. As soon as the movie opens with the two main characters appearing, my partner and I get excited about different characters (she wants to see Thor in black, and I like Liam Neeson). After that, it was very bland, a very stereotyped plot, no major flaws but boring, and several reversals were guessed too early. Some elements from the first three films in the series, like the janitor, talking dog, etc., also reappear in this film as a tribute to himself. Thor and Liam Neeson are too close to the original Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones duo. It gives people the feeling that after the original two leading actors stopped acting, they forced it into an international theme, and let the two leading actors imitate the original duo to act, which is a bit inconsistent. In general, it is a very ordinary commercial movie, and it has even fallen behind this era, like a Hollywood movie routine 10-20 years ago. For those who don't have childhood memory bonus, it's not worth watching, and for those who have childhood memories, it's not worth watching.
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