"My Week with Marilyn" movie script

Ryleigh 2022-08-19 04:16:59

"A Week Between Me and Marilyn" movie drama

text / (UK) Adrian Hodges
translated / Zhang Ying

1. Location, Tilbury Harbor-
on the black screen during the day we see the following subtitles:
" This is a fairy tale, a life experience that transcends time and space, but it is real." --- Colin Clark's
picture gradually appeared.
News video: Sir Lawrence Oliver and Vivien Leigh arrived in the Tilbury Port area and they were warmly welcomed by movie fans. They walked down the bridge and stopped to sign for everyone. We heard an exciting comment:
Narrator: Sir Lawrence Oliver and the star Vivien Leigh, who starred in Gone with the Wind, returned to England. Sir Lawrence Oliver announced that he is about to put Terrence Latigen’s "Sleeping Prince" on the big screen, and starring with the charming Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe...
Oliver and Vivien Leigh are facing photography The teachers smile ---
(cut to)

2. Exterior scene, Saltwood Castle-Daytime
1956. Saltwood Castle stands tall. This is the residence of the Clark family. Saltwood Castle is majestic and majestic, with towers and moats, it is the homeland that the British dream of. This scene gives people an everlasting feeling of grace and stability, with a strong British flavor.
It's very far away from Hollywood.
(Cut to)

3. Location, Saltwood Castle-Garden-During the day,
23-year-old Colin Clark walked across the lawn with a travel bag. He was dressed in everyday casual clothes and looked handsome and slightly childish. He walked towards a beautifully shaped ancient building and passed through the antique oak door.

3A. Interior view, Saltwood Castle-library stairs-
Colin walked up the stairs leading to the library during the day .

3B. Interior view, Saltwood Castle-Library-Daytime
Colin walked into the library and he saw Sir Kenneth Clark standing in front of the easel with a painting by the Italian Baroque painter Anibale Caracci. There are two students, a man and a woman, with him. They are all in their early 20s. Sir Kenneth Clark is describing the painting to them.
Colin hesitated for a moment, then hurried to them, showing an impatient look. When Kenneth saw Colin, he was full of warmth and joy.
Kenneth: Colin! Come in. Have you met James and Anna? They are my two proud students.
Kenneth is a generous scholar, kind and a little weird. Colin smiled slightly at the two students, there was no time to waste.
Colin: I'm going to London now, Dad.
Kenneth: Good luck, boy...
He put his arms around Colin's shoulders affectionately and walked with him to the door.
Kenneth: When you become more mature, I can help you find a research job. Then you won't think about making movies all day...
Colin smiled, but he hasn't waited for him to answer. , Jane Clark rushed in like a whirlwind, she was energetic and chattering.
Jane: Kenneth, did you tell the cook that two more people will have dinner today. What do you guys eat? Cabbage soup? Oh, Colin, dear, you are here too...
She wore a high-quality old-fashioned dress with a weird blend of gardening clothes. A dozen things were in her mind at the same time.
Colin: I'm leaving now, mother.
Jane: Go?
Colin: Go to apply for work, remember...?
She kept walking. Colin gave Kenneth a quick smile, and Kenneth waved him tenderly. Colin rushed to follow her mother. Jane left the library.
(Cut to)

3C. Exterior scene, Saltwood Castle-Garden-
Jane stalked across the lawn during the day , and Colin quickly caught up with her.
Jane: Can't you stay for dinner? Although there is nothing to eat, I believe the conversation will be very interesting.
Colin: I don't want to be late in the morning.
Colin hurriedly followed Jane. He was almost knocked down by an elderly gardener pushing a lawnmower and had to dodge quickly. Jane didn't notice all this.
Jane: I believe they won't mind. You will soon become a famous film director. I know your father spoke for you.
Colin: I hope he didn't do that. I can do it myself.
She stopped suddenly and Colin nearly hit her. Jane looked around the garden and frowned.
Jane: I have to look at Jenkins like an eagle. If he had another murderous pruning and pruning, our perfume roses would never be gone.
She continued to move forward, and Colin still followed her. Thinking of the madness he was about to face, he couldn't help smiling.
(Cut to)

4. Exterior scene, Saltwood Castle-Driveway-The daytime
sunset casts the golden afterglow on the castle. Colin and Jane came out from the main entrance. Colin stopped in the driveway and threw his travel bag on the back seat of his Bristol sports car. It was only now that Jane really turned her attention to Colin for the first time.
Jane: Have a good time, dear. When are you ready to talk about your future, we are here waiting for you at any time.
Before Colin could speak, Jane saw a young gardener walking on the side of the house pushing a cart. She beamed with joy.
Jane: Mullins! Go to the cook and ask her how many pork chops we need tonight. Then drive the car over. I have to get out before the store closes...
She hurried to the gardener, then turned around and kissed Colin.
Colin smiled slightly, he stopped for a moment and looked at the castle. Although he is nostalgic for this home, he feels more eager to leave home.
He got in the car, started the car, drove off the driveway, and drove across the moat. In the afterglow of the setting sun, the scenery of the countryside was charming, but Colin just looked ahead.

5. Exterior view, London streets-night
scenes of London streets in the 1950s. When Colin entered downtown London, we saw the flashing lights of Piccadilly Circus, people wandering around aimlessly, and young people wandering in nightclubs and cafes.

6. Exterior view, Piccadilly Street-during the day
it is very different from the beauty of the countryside. It's early morning, and the streets of London's West End are busy, and office workers wearing brimmed hats are in a hurry.
Colin walked on Piccadilly. He is familiar with the road here. He passed by a high-end clothing store, and a tailor who was measuring the size of customers suspended his work, and waved to Colin familiarly. Colin waved to him too.
(Cut to)

7. Exterior scene, 144 Piccadilly Street, London-
Colin looked at his watch during the day . He ran the last few steps and came to the door of the imposing building at 144 Piccadilly Street. The metal tag outside the door says: Lawrence Oliver Production Center.
Colin straightened his tie and rang the doorbell.
(Cut to)

8. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly Street-reception room-daytime
reception room is luxuriously decorated-thick carpets and elegant couches. Vanessa was a beautiful female secretary. She sat behind the big desk, looking at Colin suspiciously.
Vanessa: Mr. Percival didn't make an appointment with you.
Colin: Larry asked me to come.
She hesitated, then picked up the phone. We heard a man answering the phone in an office, and he seemed a little impatient.
Percival (voice-over): What's the matter?
Vanessa: I have a Mr. Colin Clark here. He said that Sir Lawrence asked him to come.
She emphasized the title of Jazz to show her dissatisfaction with Colin's intimacy.
Percival (voice-over): Oh, my goodness... It won't be another handsome guy Vivien Leigh introduced.
Vanessa looked at Colin with interest. Colin's smile faded away, and he felt like he hit the ground all at once.
(Cut to)

9. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-Hugh Percival's office-Daytime
Hugh Percival (40s) is the production director of Lawrence Oliver. He is tall, wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and his hair is thinning day by day. He put the pipe thread into the pipe and looked at Colin with a dull expression.
Percival: What do you want to do?
Colin: I want to participate in the shooting of Marilyn Monroe's film.
Percival: Oh, really, what do you do?
Colin: Staff.
He tried his best to burst into a charming smile. Percival remained unmoved.
Percival: No job at the moment. Filming started 8 weeks later.
Colin: Can I wait?
Percival: What?
Colin: Wait until there is something to do.
Percival: Wait 8 weeks?
Colin: Maybe something will happen.
The phone rang and Percival answered the call.
Percival: Terry? Larry wants to know how the script...
(cut to)

10. Interior, 144 Piccadilly-reception room-daytime (montage)
Colin slowly came to the couch. Vanessa glanced at him coldly. Colin looked at the clock. The time just arrived at 10:30.
Colin sat on the sofa, the wall clock on the wall ticked, and the time of the day slowly passed by. Vanessa was busy behind her desk. From time to time, Colin looked up hopefully, always disappointed.
(Cut to)

11. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-reception room-daytime (montage)
It's almost 6 o'clock now. Colin was still sitting. Percival walked out of his office and exchanged glances with Vanessa. He looked at Colin coldly.
Percival: There is nothing to do here.
Colin: I'll come back tomorrow morning. What if something happens.
Percival: This is your freedom.

11A. Location, 144 Piccadilly, London-Daytime (Montage)
Colin came here early to prepare for another day.

12. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-reception room-daytime (montage)
Colin came to the reception room on time at 8:30 the next morning. Percival glared at him coldly. Vanessa raised her head as she was typing. He met her optimistically, but Vanessa ignored him.

13. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-reception room-the
clock slowly turned to 11:00 with a painful ticking sound during the day . Vanessa finally cast a sympathetic look at Colin.
Vanessa: Are you planning to sit here for a day?
Colin: If necessary.
Vanessa: You are really determined.
Colin: In order to enter the film industry, I am willing to do everything.
Vanessa: Willing to do everything?
She smiled. Colin grinned at her too, and noticed an opportunity.
Vanessa: You can start by making me a cup of tea.
(Cut to)

14. (omitted)

15. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-reception room-daytime
clock points to 12:30. Vanessa put on her gloves and picked up her handbag. She looked at Colin playfully.
Vanessa: You can answer the phone while I have lunch, if you want.
She winked. Colin grinned. The phone rang. Colin picked up the receiver.
Colin: Lawrence Oliver Production Center...
Caller: Is Sir Lawrence here?
Colin: He is in Notley and can't be back until the weekend. Need to leave a message?
Caller: I'll call again.
As soon as Colin put down the receiver, Percival appeared. He stared at Colin.
Colin: Vanessa made me...
Percival: Oh, is it? Why don't you take this call to me?
Colin: There doesn't seem to be any need to disturb you. However, if you want me to forward every call to you...
Percival: Judge for yourself. (Hesitating for a moment) I need Noel Coward's phone number. It's not in the phone book, you can find it.
Colin realized this was a test. He used his brain quickly.
(Cut to)

16. Interior, Saltwood Castle-Central Hall-The
telephone ringing in the central hall during the day . Jane Clark picked up the receiver.
Colin (call): Hello, mother.
Jane: Colin, dear! How are you doing?
(Cut to)

17. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-reception room-
Colin glanced at Percival's office during the day and spoke quickly.
Colin (call): This matter is urgent. I need Noel Coward's phone number in London. My life depends on it.
Jane: I'm looking for it... I found it. By the way, ask him if he wants to come to Saltwood for a holiday.
Colin: I will ask him. Mom, you are an angel.
(Cut to)

18. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-Hugh Percival's office-
Colin put the phone number on Percival's desk during the day , and he looked up.
Percival: It's fast enough.
Colin: A little luck.
Percival (looking at Colin shrewdly): Should I express admiration? Did Mom and Dad help? Don't think they can do the work for you. If you want to stay in this circle, you have to work hard.
Colin: Yes, sir.
Colin left.
(Cut to)

19. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-reception room-day
is another morning. Colin sat restlessly on the edge of the sofa. Despite some progress, he still returned to the starting point. Time passed by second by second in the dull silence. He began to feel that his battle was about to be defeated. But then everything changed.
The door opened suddenly, and Colin looked up in surprise, and Sir Lawrence Oliver strode in with his wife Vivien Leigh.
The 49-year-old Sir Lawrence Oliver's reputation is rising. He is handsome and charismatic, and Vivien is not inferior. The star of Gone with the Wind is still so beautiful.
Both of them have enough charisma. When they are together, they seem to be able to charge the surrounding air with their own personal power, shocking anyone who comes into contact with them.
Vanessa stood up quickly, Percival hurried out of the office to greet them, and Colin stood up too.
Oliver: You know, Hugh, you can't find Marilyn Monroe on the phone. The girl has been sleeping all day. But the big beauty always has its own way...
He laughed, and then noticed that Vivien Leigh's response was not so enthusiastic. To distract, he noticed Colin next to the couch.
Oliver: Hello, boy... Give me a reminder?
He smiled blankly and glanced at Vivien Leigh for help.
Vivien Leigh: Honey, this is Colin, you should remember. You saw him at a banquet at Clark's house.
Oliver (can't remember): That's right. What are you doing here?
Colin: You said that you might have a job opportunity when you make a movie.
Oliver didn't remember at all. In order to conceal his confusion, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Colin.
Oliver: Smoke a cigarette. Keep the box as a souvenir.
Oliver quickly turned to Percival.
Oliver: If Miss Monroe doesn't get out of bed, we can't have a movie to shoot.
Percival: The investigation committee threatened to withhold Miller's passport. They said he was the Communist Party. Marilyn can't come if Arthur can't come.
Oliver: I'm going to talk to the American ambassador. I took him to see Vivien Leigh's "South China Sea Bubble" on Thursday... Now you tell me, Hugh, has Terry's rewritten script arrived?
Oliver put his hand on Percival's shoulder, and they walked into Percival's office together.
Vivien Leigh stayed behind and smiled brightly at Colin. Colin stared silently at the pack of cigarettes in his hand. He noticed now that it was a box of "Oliver" cigarettes. Vivien Leigh wrinkled her nose.
Vivien Leigh: This is named after Larry. They paid him a large sum of money. (Pause) I'm afraid they taste pretty bad.
She held Colin's cheeks in her hands and looked at him in awe.
Vivien Leigh: Is he handsome, Vanessa?
Vanessa: I think it's not bad.
Vivien Leigh's eyes glowed. Oliver came out of the office with a few pages of script. Vivien Leigh winked at Colin and took her husband's arm.
Vivien Leigh: Honey, you must help Colin. This is what you promised.
Oliver was forced to have no retreat. He turned his head and glanced at Percival who was approaching.
Oliver: Find him something to do, Hugh.
Colin grinned with a triumphant expression.
Vivien Leigh (smiling): Will you take care of my baby Larry?
Colin's smile faded away, and he saw Percival looking at him sternly.

20. Interior view, 144 Piccadilly-Hugh Percival's office-
Colin knocked on the door during the day , and he walked into the office with a tray on which were tea cups and biscuits. The curtains of the office were pulled up, and a projector was running.
Percival and photographer Jack Cardiff sat watching the scenes on the screen. They didn't notice Colin coming in.
Colin raised his eyes to the screen. Percival and Cardiff were watching the make-up, hairstyle and costume of this film. Marilyn Monroe plays Elsie Marina.
Marilyn on the screen is very sweet, full of star style. Colin was dumbfounded and completely forgot what he was going to do here. He was still carrying a tray—
Percival (to Cardiff): Larry said he liked this dress very much. She looked radiant.
Cardiff: That's right — we need to lower her tone a little bit.
Percival: How do you lower the tone of Marilyn Monroe? !
Colin laughed, but regretted it immediately. Percival and Cardiff turned to look at him. Percival turned off the projector and looked at Colin coldly.
Percival: Arthur Jacobs, who promotes Miss Monroe, will arrive tomorrow. He wanted to see where she was going to live. You go find a suitable house.
Colin nodded, eager to leave. He walked to the door, and Percival said sharply to him again.
Percival: Keep the tea.
Colin forgot to put down the tray. He flushed with embarrassment, quickly put the tray down and hurried away.
(Cut to)

21. Exterior scene, country road-
Colin spread out a map during the day and placed it on the hood of his Bristol sports car. He found Songlin Film Studio and drew a circle around the studio. He lit an "Oliver" cigarette and tapped the pencil. He took a deep breath of the cigarette, thought about it, then made an expression of disgust, and quickly threw the cigarette under his feet and stomped it out.
(Cut to)

22. Exterior scene, Tibbs Farm-Driveway-During the day,
Colin drove his car into the driveway of Tibbs Farm , which is an exquisite English cottage.
(Cut to)

23. Location, Tibbs Farm-Daytime
Farmer Coates-Pridi has a high regard for Tibbs Farm. He stood arrogantly and snobbyly in front of the door, and didn't pay attention to Colin at all.
Coates-Pridi: Impossible. I can't let those filmmakers go in and out of the house wearing dirty shoes.
Colin: We can pay you 100 pounds a week for 18 consecutive weeks.
Coates-Pridi: My wife will not agree.
Colin: What a pity. Then I can only ask Miss Monroe to find another place.
Coats-Pridy realized it after a while.
Coates-Pridi: Marilyn Monroe?
Colin (nodding): She made a film with Sir Lawrence Oliver, "The Sleeping Prince", which is based on a stage play by Terrence Latigen.
Coates-Pridi: I saw it in a theatre in London's West End a few years ago. Vivien Leigh played very well.
Colin: The movie was played by Marilyn Monroe.
Coates-Pridi smiled candidly.
Coates-Pridi (thinking about it): I think I need to know her.
(Cut to)

24. (omitted)

25. Location, 144 Piccadilly, London-
Arthur Jacobs, who helped Marilyn in publicity during the day , was forty-five and sixty years old. He shaved a flat head and was so nice debate. He clamped a stack of newspapers with his arms and waited impatiently outside Oliver's office. Colin hurried forward, smiling.
Colin: Good morning, Mr. Jacobs. I hope you have a pleasant journey.
Jacobs: Where's the car?
(Cut to)

26. Exterior scene, country road-
Colin drives the Bristol sports car during the day , and Jacobs reads the newspaper in the passenger seat. After a while, he muttered in disgust.
Jacobs: Oh my goodness, you British people study this kind of stuff?
He rolled down the car window and threw the newspaper out of the window in disgust. Pages of newspapers tossed behind the fast-moving car like a large cloud, and finally landed on the beautiful hedgerows and neat lawns.
Colin was dumbfounded. Welcome to Hollywood.
(Cut to)

27. location, Di Busi farm - the day
Jacobs listlessly out of the house, apparently not satisfied. Colin and Coates-Pridi followed him. Jacobs looked at the surroundings of the house again.
Jacobs: What kind of broken place is this?
Coates-Pridi (face sinks): This is the best house in this district.
Jacobs: Oh my goodness. I thought you British people are very tasteful.
He glanced at Colin.
Jacobs: Is this the best house you have found?
Colin: It's very close to the pine forest.
Jacobs: Okay. We want it. (Pause) But the wallpaper will be torn off. I saw a headache.
(Cut to)

28. Interior, Piccadilly 144 - Hugh Percival OFFICE - DAY
Jacobs put an "Evening Standard" snapped on the desk. The front page of the newspaper was a photo of Tibbs Farm, with the headline: "Exclusive News-Marilyn's Mansion in England". He pointed his finger at the headline angrily.
Oliver: The news spread quickly.
Jacobs: This house is very suitable for Marilyn.
Percival: It can't be used now.
Colin: It works. I already knew that Coates-Pridi would not keep it secret.
They stared at Colin in surprise. Colin met their gazes bravely.
Colin: When you asked me to find a house, I looked for two places, just in case. The other house is in Parkside, which is better and the owner is very cautious.
Percival: So we found two luxury houses, but we only need one.
Colin: I thought there might be someone else who would need it.
Percival: Oh, is it?
This is a dangerous time, and things can develop in two directions. Colin has desperately tried to persuade them.
He waited nervously and silently, looking at their confused expressions. Jacobs shrugged.
Jacobs: I think Milton can use it. After all, it was close to the studio and close to Marilyn.
Oliver looked at Colin and suddenly laughed.
Oliver: How much do we pay you, kid?
He looked at Colin with interest.
Colin: No salary yet...
Oliver (laughing): Think of a way, Hugh!
Percival sighed.
(Cut to)

29. Location, Pinewood Film Studio-Daytime
Pinewood Film Studio is the center of the British film industry. Colin drove the car to the gate and stopped. He smiled at the security guard.
Colin: Colin Clark. Lawrence Oliver Production Center.
(Cut to)

30. Exterior/interior, Pinewood Film Studio-
actors in costumes walk around during the day , technicians adjust lighting and camera positions, assistant directors take extras to the studio. Colin was amazed when he saw all this. For him, the film studio is a magical place.
(Cut to)

31. Interior, Songlin Film Studio-Dressing Room-Daytime
Dressing Room is not much better than an empty shell. Jacobs looked around. Oliver and Percival were with him, and Colin waited patiently.
Percival: The setting staff will get it right here soon.
Jacobs: Marilyn doesn't like red. There is also blue. (Pause) There is still green.
Percival: What about white?
Jacobs: I have to confirm this with her.
Oliver glanced at Colin mischievously.
Oliver: Then it's beige. Beige rarely causes controversy.
Jacobs thought about it for a moment, and didn't realize that Oliver was teasing him.
Jacobs: I think beige is fine. She never said anything about beige. Paula needs a room next door.
Colin: Paula?
Jacobs: Paula Strassberg. She is Marilyn's acting instructor.
Oliver looked down at him with a sullen face. Jacobs shrugged.
Jacobs: She is obsessed with experiential performance.
Oliver: Stanislavsky and experiential performance methods work in the rehearsal room, but they are not part of the filming scene. Time is too tight. I believe Marilyn can understand.
He turned and walked away. Jacobs frowned uncertainly.
Jacobs: Who is this Stanislavsky?
(Cut to)

32. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Production Office-During the day,
Colin was standing in the production office. The skinny first assistant director David Orton (in his 30s) looked at him with obvious irritation.
Orton: I don't know why Hugh Percival sent you here. I have nothing to help you.
Colin: Why?
Orton: Have you joined the union?
Colin: No...
Orton: Then you can't get a movie job.
Colin: How can I join a union?
Orton: Get a job in filmmaking.
Colin: But you just said that I didn't join the trade union, so I couldn't get the job of making movies.
Orton: Exactly. This is the system of hiring only union members.
Colin looked at him helplessly. Orton's tone eased slightly.
Orton: I think I might be able to find a way. The union still owes me a few favors. We are still missing a third.
Colin: Third?
Orton: The third assistant director. (Pause) Do you know what job this is?
Colin: Assisting the director's work?
Orton: No! That is the last thing to do. first lesson. The third job is to do what I tell you to do.
Orton walked to the door, then looked back.
Orton (screaming): What are you doing in a daze?
Colin hurried out after him.
(Cut to)

33. Interior view, Pinewood Film Studio-Clothing Department-During the day when
Orton and Colin passed the clothing department, Colin noticed that there was a beautiful girl (Lucy) in the clothing department hanging the clothes On the shelf. She has smiling eyes, about one or two years younger than Colin. Orton followed Colin's eyes and looked over.
Orton: Colin!
Colin was taken aback, and Orton glared at him.
Orton: The second lesson. Don't shit in front of your house. Understand?
Colin: I understand.
But when he left, he turned his head and glanced at Lucy secretly.

33A. Location, Pinewood Film Studio-
Orton and Colin hurried through the Pinewood Film Studio during the day .
Orton: Where do you live now?
Colin: My father's residence in Albany.
Orton: Don't live there anymore. Lesson Three. The third is always nearby, not in some damn palace in London. (Pause) Book a room at the Dog and Duck Hotel nearby. It's a bit crude there, but you will get used to it.
He grinned, enjoying himself.
Orton: Now there is something useful for you. Marilyn needs a bodyguard. You do it.
(Cut to)

34. Interior scene, Pinewood Film Studio-Production Office-
Percival is with Colin and Roger Smith during the day . Smith is fifty-five-six years old, with a dignified manner and upright posture, showing his life's police experience.
Percival: I believe you understand the sensitivity of this job, sheriff?
Roger: There is no need to add a title. I have retired from the police force. (Pauses) Are you taking care of an actress who plays a movie?
Percival: Not an ordinary actress. It's Marilyn Monroe.
The serious former policeman did not respond.
Roger: I never have much time to watch movies.
Percival: Very good. (Pause) For the next 4 months, you will watch her day and night. A crowd will come around.
Roger: No problem.
Percival paused awkwardly.
Percival: Her behavior is said to be a bit... weird.
Roger: Is she drunk?
Percival: There are others.
Roger: Taking drugs?
Percival did not answer sleekly.
Percival: You can tell us about her...house situation.
Roger: Do you want me to monitor her?
Both Percival and Roger fully understood each other's meaning.
Percival: If you know what day she will be late for filming, be warned in advance. Things like that.
Smith understood the meaning of this sentence. He seems to be totally immune to the charm of movies.
(Cut to)

35. Interior, Pinewood film studios - Corridor - the day
Jacobs to catch up with Oliver, trying to get his attention. Oliver is busy studying sketches of costumes and sets.
Jacobs: You have to talk to someone at Coca-Cola, Larry. They are anxious to get involved with Marilyn.
Percival and Colin met them from the other direction.
Percival: Good news. The investigation committee believes that Miller is not a Communist Party. So Marilyn will come to London as scheduled next week.
Jacobs: Someone needs to meet her.
Oliver: Of course, Vivien and I will pick her up at the airport. But we have to keep a low profile, shall we?
Jacobs: Don't worry. Everything is under my control.
(Cut to)

36. Interior view, London Airport-lobby-the
airport is in chaos during the day . The reporters yelled at you and pushed me and the police were trying to control the scene. Oliver and Vivien Leigh were speaking to the gathered reporters, and Colin and Roger Smith stood together, watching all this.
Oliver: I am deeply honored to bring Terrence Latigen's remarkable stage play to the screen...
Suddenly someone yelled from the back of the crowd.
Reporter: The plane has landed!
The crowd seemed to be uniform, all leaving Oliver and Vivien Leigh and rushing to the plane. Oliver and Vivien Leigh, who were suddenly abandoned by everyone, were shocked. After a while, Vivien Leigh looked at Oliver with a wry smile.
Vivien Leigh: It seems that we are no longer the top card, dear.
(Cut to)

37. Exterior scene, London Airport-Airplane/Apron-
On a rainy day in London during the day, Marilyn Monroe stepped off a jet plane of TWA. She is wearing sunglasses and holding a bouquet of flowers.
Marilyn's raincoat draped loosely over her shoulders. Her new husband, Arthur Miller, was a step or two behind her.

38. Location, London Airport-Tarmac-During the day
Marilyn and Miller walked across the tarmac road of the apron, and reporters were eagerly waiting.
Reporter A: She is here! Marilyn!
The reporters rushed forward. Colin followed their gaze and looked over. She looked exactly like Marilyn in people's minds. Bright smile, light blonde hair, sexy twists. The most famous movie star in the world is exactly like that, almost illusory.
Marilyn walked past the crowd, smiling so naturally, while Miller looked rigid and a little dizzy in the eyes of everyone. The flashing bubbles of the camera made noises one after another, and the police did their best to control the scene. Marilyn took Miller's arm, and Miller grinned vaguely. The flashing bubbles gleamed in front of them, forming a dazzling wall of light.
Reporter A: Marilyn! Here, Marilyn!
Reporter B: Marilyn, look here!
Arthur Jacobs observed the chaotic scene with interest, and he grinned at Roger and Colin.
Jacobs: It's so beautiful. Just look at the front page of tomorrow.
Roger (looking at Colin): We have to take them to the hall.
Colin followed Roger and squeezed through the crowd, then found himself standing right in front of Marilyn. He was immediately overwhelmed by her beauty and charisma, unable to move, but Marilyn didn't even look at him, and followed the majestic Roger obediently, pulling Miller tightly all the way, followed by Colin. .
(Cut to)

39. (omitted)

40. Interior, London Airport-lobby-
Marilyn and Miller are sitting together during the day , with Oliver and Vivien Leigh sitting next to them. The photographers aimed all the flashing bubbles at Marilyn's face. Roger and Colin defended nearby.
Oliver smiled and spoke to the crowd.
Oliver: It's a great honor for me to introduce a lady who doesn't really need to be introduced. This is her first time in London. I...
Reporter A: Marilyn, how does it feel to get married?
Marilyn: I like it very much.
Reporter A: Is this the third time you are lucky?
Marilyn: Of course. Arthur is the best man I have ever met.
Marilyn took Miller's arm and looked at him affectionately. Miller bit the unlit pipe rudely.
Reporter A: Marilyn, are you planning to go sightseeing?
Marilyn: I want to see the little guy with a bow and arrows on Piccadilly Circus.
The reporters laughed appreciatively.
Reporter B: Do you really want to be a classical actor now?
Marilyn: I want to do my best to be the best actress.
Reporter B: There are rumors that you will star in "Brother Karamazov" on Broadway.
Marilyn: I'm thinking about it.
Reporter C (shouting): Which role do you want to play?
The intention of the reporters' questions is clear and clear-Marilyn is a beautiful and no-brained "dumb beauty", she should behave like this. But Marilyn calmly resolved the problem, she smiled sweetly.
Marilyn: I play Grushinka.
Reporter C: Can you spell out the name?
Marilyn: Yes. Can you?
There was another burst of laughter, this time mocking the reporter who asked the question.
Reporter A: Would you say that you are an intellectual now?
Marilyn: My husband is an intellectual.
She looked at Miller in admiration, and Miller smiled blankly.
Reporter B: What is your definition of an intellectual, Marilyn?
Marilyn: I think you can look up the dictionary yourself.
This time the laughter was obviously on Marilyn's side. One of the reporters asked Vivien Leigh a question.
Reporter A: Vivien Leigh, you created the role of Elsie Marina on the stage. Do you have any suggestions for Marilyn?
Vivien Leigh: I believe that if Miss Monroe needs any advice, she will get it from the director. I heard that he is very good.
The reporters laughed at her, and Oliver smiled cordially. However, when Vivien Leigh smiled and faced Oliver, we noticed a look of jealousy in her eyes. Oliver interjected quickly and continued to say his prepared welcome speech. But he was interrupted by shouts again.
Jacobs: Marilyn, do you use nothing but Chanel No. 5 perfume in bed?
Marilyn: I'm in the UK now. I should say that I only use English lavender eau de toilette when I sleep.
The reporters burst into laughter of joy. Standing on the edge of the crowd, Colin watched Marilyn, feeling both interesting and impressive.
(Cut to)

41. Exterior scene, Parkside's house-the gate-
a convoy of escorts approached during the day , and a large group of reporters had gathered at the gate. Marilyn's "secret" hideout is no longer a secret. This traditional old house is both elegant and luxurious.

42. Exterior view, Parkside's house-front door-
Marilyn, Miller, Oliver and Vivien Leigh stood outside the front door of the house during the day , and a designated photographer took photos of them.
Roger observes from the sidelines and is unobtrusive.
Vivien Leigh: Are all your press conferences like this, dear?
Marilyn: Some are noisier than this.
Vivien Leigh smiled at the joke. Arthur Jacobs followed the progress of the activity with the sharp eyes of an eagle.
Jacobs: Okay, let's take a picture of the newlyweds. Smile, Arthur. This is not a firing squad.
The handsome Milton Green (34 years old) walks towards Oliver and Colin.
Milton: You are looking for a good place.
He glanced at the house. Oliver smiled broadly.
Oliver: Thanks to my new assistant Colin. (To Colin) This is Milton Green. You must be polite to him. He owns half of the Marilyn Monroe production center.
Milton: Only 49%, Larry.
Green gave a tired smile.
Oliver took out a box of "Oliver" cigarettes and handed one to Milton.
Oliver: Here comes a cigarette.
Milton: I don't smoke.
If he noticed the "Oliver" sign, he wouldn't say so. Oliver was not too happy.
Oliver left with Milton.
Miller and Marilyn are now taking pictures separately. Roger walked up to Jacobs and whispered to him. Jacobs nodded.
Jacobs: The people at the gate are all waiting impatiently.
Miller: We give them two minutes, and then it's over.
Roger waved to the police and they opened the door. Reporters flocked in.
(Cut to)

43. Exterior scene, Parkside's house-front door-during the day the
camera flashed at Marilyn, and Colin noticed that Marilyn was holding Miller's hand tightly. After a while, he was surprised to find that Vivien was standing beside him.
Vivien Leigh: Isn't she incredible? I think you are fascinated by her.
Colin looked at her sharply, realizing that he was being tested.
Colin: It's okay. It's a bit cheesy.
Vivien Leigh (laughing): When Larry was in New York, he fell in love with her. He is determined to seduce her.
Colin: But she has only been married for three weeks.
Vivien Leigh: Oh, Colin, I thought you were well-versed in the world.
She gave him a mischievous smile and leaned in close.
Vivien Leigh: Of course, Larry will never leave me. (Pause) But, if something happens, you will tell me, right?
Colin: I believe he loves you very much.
An expression of anger suddenly flashed on her face.
Vivien Leigh: Oh, don't be naive!
Colin was startled, and Vivien Leigh touched his hand guiltily.
Vivien Leigh: At least you still adore me, don't you?
Colin: Of course. Everyone admires you.
There was a cold melancholy on her face.
Vivien Leigh: I am 43 years old, my dear. It won’t be long before everyone will love me. Including you.
Colin was about to plead, but Vivien Leigh put a finger on his lips and motioned for him to silence. She quickly regained her smile.
(Cut to)

44. Location, Dog and Duck Hotel-Daytime
Dog and Duck is a run-down hotel located in a secluded alley near the studio. It's very crude and not comfortable at all. Colin stood outside the hotel, carrying a travel bag in his hand, staring at it blankly.
(Cut to)

44A. Interior view, Dog and Duck Hotel-During the day, a
few people were drinking beer at the bar. Someone was throwing darts leisurely. The wallpaper was faded by cigarette smoke. Colin looked around, discouraged. Barry, the hotelier, looked him up and down contemptuously.
Colin: This is Colin Clark. I reserved a room.
Barry took out a dusty ledger from under the bar and turned it around for Colin to sign.
Barry: What brought you here?
Colin couldn't help being a little proud.
Colin: I'm here to make a movie.
The drinking locals raised their heads, but did not appear surprised.
Barry: What movie?
Colin: "The Sleeping Prince".
Andy, who threw the dart, didn't turn around. His goal remains firm.
Andy: It doesn't sound so good.
Barry: Don't be distracted, Andy, you are not a fan.
Andy (not turning around): I won't be distracted.
Colin (trying to attract attention): It was played by Marilyn Monroe. I will work with her.
Barry: Oh, is it?
These old customers who drink were grinning unfriendly.
Andy (not turning around): The Queen and Prince Philip also came to drink beer earlier. Unfortunately, you didn't see it.
Someone laughed in support of Andy. Colin was disgraced. Barry handed him a key.
Barry: The rent is three pounds a week. Pay a week’s rent in advance. You are in room two.
Colin took the key and the travel bag, and Barrido said a word at this moment. Although his face was expressionless, the timing was just right.
Barry: You live with Grace Kelly.
The locals laughed. Colin stood firm with a smile.
(Cut to)

45. Interior, Dog and Duck Hotel-Colin's room-
Colin stood dumbfounded during the day . This is a spooky little room, just above the noisy bar. The wallpaper is peeling off, the furniture is old and antique, and the whole room emits strong humidity. The dirty mesh curtain dangled on the window. Colin put the travel bag on the bed and sat down. The mattress sank miserably. He lowered his head and found a stained, yellow potty under the bed. He pushed it under the bed again disgustingly.

46. ​​Interior scene, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-Daytime
movie "Sleeping Prince"-at that time, the main actors of the title (Note 1)-gathered in the studio. They have the script in their hands, chatting and smoking. Oliver stood among them, looking outstanding. There is a chair with no one sitting on which is very conspicuous.
Sir Sybil Thorndike (74 years old) looks stern, but in fact she is amiable, and she smiles cheerfully. Richard Wattis stood with her.
Wattis: What a wonderful adventure, Sir Sybil.
Sybil Thorndike: How interesting! I really want to see her.
Colin stood by the door. Oliver looked at his watch and glanced at him.
(Cut to)

47. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Corridor / Dressing Room-During the day,
Colin hurriedly came to the hallway. He stopped outside Marilyn's dressing room and knocked politely on the door.
Colin: Miss Monroe?
The door opened, and a small woman in her 50s who looked like a Bohemian stood at the door and stared at him. She is Paula Strassberg.
Colin: Sir Lawrence expressed his regards. He is ready to speak.
Colin's gaze crossed Paula and fell on Marilyn who was sitting in front of the vanity mirror. The image in her mirror was framed by the light. She has light makeup or no makeup at all. Paula looked at Colin sharply.
Paula: Marilyn is not ready yet. She is preparing.
Marilyn in the mirror raised her eyes to Colin, showing an unexpectedly simple smile.
Marilyn: Please forgive me, I don't have makeup, it's too ugly.
She found sunglasses on the dressing table and put them on.
(Cut to)

48. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Corridor-Daytime
Colin leads Marilyn and Paula to the rehearsal room. He glanced at Marilyn secretly. Her expression is fragile and confused. Colin couldn't help staring at her, and then he realized that Paula was looking at him, so he quickly looked away.
(Cut to)

49. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-During the day
, all the actors were seated around a large rectangular table, and Colin led Marilyn and Paula in. Marilyn wore sunglasses from start to finish. Oliver got up to greet her.
Oliver: Marilyn, you are here, everyone is very excited to see you...
He gestured to the group of people.
Oliver: Let's start. Please sit down...
Sybil Thorndike looked at Marilyn affectionately, and pointed to an empty seat next to him.
Sybil Thorndike: You are so beautiful. Come here, I reserve a seat for you.
Paula rushed forward and took Marilyn to the other side of the table, where there was an empty seat. She looked at the actor Richard Wattis who was sitting next to the empty seat.
Paula: I have to sit next to Marilyn.
Wattis was taken aback. He stood up kindly, went round to the other side of the table, and sat on the empty chair beside Sybil Thorndike.
Sybil Thorndike (to Marilyn): Don't worry, honey, we don't bite.
Paula: She likes me by her side.
Sybil Thorndike: What a great idea! It would be nice if we could all bring friends. One person is really too nervous. It's like going to school on the first day, right?
She smiled affectionately at Marilyn, and Marilyn, who was wearing sunglasses, also smiled timidly. Oliver, with a smile on his face and full of charm, gave an opening welcome speech.
Oliver: Dear Marilyn, you are welcome to join our small group. (Pause, looking around) At first, you may think we are a little strange and weird, but I hope that in a little while, you will find your own way of acting in our frenzy.
Oliver was satisfied with his welcome speech, and he cast a condemning glance at Paula. She also glared at him, vaguely feeling insulted to some extent. Marilyn looked up too, puzzled by Oliver's kind but inappropriate joke.
Oliver didn't notice Marilyn's reaction, and he continued with emotion.
Oliver: Every noble and recognized master here, let us now begin the great journey of discovery. (Pause) With a fearless heart and the good luck we pray for, we strive to create a masterpiece of art. May our work be cherished and be with the movie in the long river of memory.
He was about to cry for a while. Wattis rolled his eyes, causing actor Paul Hardwick to grin. Then there was a rustle of pages turning, and a few coughs. An eager tension filled the air, and everyone was ready to respond.
(Cut to)

50. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-Daytime
page 10. Paula turned the script for Marilyn, as if helping a child with a book. Oliver spoke smoothly, with a strong Central European accent.
Oliver (as the Regent): "Are you surprised to receive my invitation?"
Marilyn looked at him for a while, then stammered out.
Marilyn (as Elsie): "I am really surprised. I am so surprised that I can't believe the person you invited is me."
Oliver (as the Regent): "Oh, of course the person I invited is you. I carefully put your name in my schedule. In this kind of thing, I assure you that I am the most organized . If you don't invite you, who else can you invite?"
Marilyn jumped out of the character Elsie, and she smiled sweetly.
Marilyn: Oh, Mr. Jazz, I can listen to your accent for a day without annoying.
Everyone laughed. Oliver smiled kindly.
Oliver: My dear angel, everyone here is your friend. Just call me Larry. (Pause) When are you ready...?
Marilyn looked at the script flusteredly.
Marilyn (as Elsie): "Messi Springfield..."
Oliver (as the Regent): "No, no, no, no, it's not Macy Springfield, I would actually call her Old hat..."
Paula leaned over and whispered an explanation in Marilyn's ear.
Paula: Remember why you entered the embassy, ​​Marilyn. How does Grand Duke want Elsie? She originally thought there would be many people here, but she was the only one.
Oliver waited patiently.
Oliver: It's time for you to speak, Marilyn.
Marilyn: Oh, let me see... "Oh, will you call me a new hat?"
Oliver just wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Paula's passionate whisper.
Paula: Based on experience, Marilyn. Look for memories that can help you. Remember when you went to Chaplin's house to attend a party, you were the only guest? How did you feel at that time?
Oliver (staring at Paula): This is just a response, Paula.
Paula: Marilyn has to start looking for a role.
Oliver: The role is on paper.
Paula: The text is there, maybe. But the role is not there.
Richard Wattis whispers to Paul Hardwick.
Wattis: She is drunk!
Lady Sybil Thorndike frowned majesticly, and she smiled kindly at Marilyn.
Sybil Thorndike: Isn't it fun?

51. Interior scene, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-The daytime
dialogue is over. Colin cleans up the tea cups and trays used by the actors, and Oliver complains to Milton secretly.
Oliver: There can never be two directors!
Milton: Marilyn needs Paula.
Oliver: Why? She has me!
Milton: Paula costs us two thousand five hundred dollars a week. Let's make good use of her. (Pause) Listen, Larry, accept Marilyn's terms and you will be fine. If you try to change her, she will drive you crazy. Believe me.
Oliver strode away. Colin saw the opportunity to follow him.
Oliver: Oh my goodness, I'm asking for trouble!
(Cut to)

52. Interior scene, Songlin Film Studio-Clothing Department-Daytime
Colin followed Lucy, a female clerk in the Clothing Department. He is charming, talkative, and persistent.
Colin: Come out with me tonight.
Lucy: I want to work.
Colin: Then tomorrow night.
Lucy: I want to wash my hair.
Colin: Your hair is very beautiful.
Lucy stopped and looked at Colin, feeling good about him, but still cautious.
Lucy: I have two rules. First, never touch a star...
Colin: Everyone here has a lot of rules.
Lucy: ...Second, never date the third.
Colin: Why not date the third?
Lucy: Because they are all lustful, they just want to have some fun during the shooting.
Colin: I'm not that kind of person.
Lucy looked at him suspiciously.
Colin: Really.
Lucy (sighs): I'm free on Saturday.
Orton: Colin.
Colin suddenly got into a frame of clothes and made a strange look at Lucy. Lucy couldn't help laughing.
(Cut to)

53. Location, Songlin Film Studio-the gate-
the first ray of sunlight in the day and morning shines on the Songlin Film Studio. Although it was August, it was still cool in the morning. Colin stood at the gate, his clothes were thin. He breathed into his hands to keep warm. A black car drove up. Sir Sybil Thorndike rolled down the car window.
Sybil Thorndike: It's great that you came to meet us. Gosh, you look so cold.
Colin: Sir Sybil, they are ready to put your makeup on.
Sybil Thorndike: So excited! Do you like the first day of filming?
Colin: I don't know, Sir Sybil. I haven't experienced it before.
Dame Sybil looked at him with a nostalgic sadness on her face.
Sybil Thorndike: Oh, I'm young again!
She blew a kiss to Colin and the car drove through the gate. Then Oliver's Bentley also drove over.
Oliver: Is Marilyn here yet?
Colin: It hasn't arrived yet.
(Cut to)

54. Location, Pine Forest Film Studio-Gate-During the day,
Colin looked anxiously at the empty road. David Orton strode angrily.
Orton: What the hell is going on? I thought you got in touch with her.
Colin: I'm...
Orton: Go there quickly.
(Cut to)

55. Exterior scene, Parkside's house-front door-during the day
Roger stood on the doorstep to greet Colin, he grinned.
Roger: She hasn't come down yet. Miller did not come down either. They are busy.
Colin stared at him blankly.
(Cut to)

56. Interior view, Parkside's house-living room-during the day
Colin, Roger and Milton sat silently, avoiding each other's eyes deliberately. In a room upstairs, the springs of the mattress creaked.
The phone rang. Milton motioned to Colin to answer the call. Colin is happy to be distracted. We heard Orton's angry voice coming from the other end of the phone line.
Orton (calling): What's the matter?
Colin glanced upstairs, thinking about how to answer.
Colin: She is... entering the role.
(Cut to)

57. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-
Dame Sybil stands alone during the day .

58. Interior
scene , Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-During the day Richard Wattis, Rosamond Greenwood (as Maud) and two waiters in costumes, sweating under the hot light.
Oliver walked around, smoking a cigarette impatiently. Colin and David Orton were beside him.
Oliver: She actually asked Sir Sybil Thorndike to wait for her two hours in a costume. This is simply unfair.
The door opened and Marilyn finally appeared, with Paula and Milton by her side. She wore a shiny white tight dress, charming and moving. Her hair is like a halo around her head. No one can look away from her. All work on the set gradually stopped. Marilyn stepped forward, keenly aware that everyone was looking at her carefully.
She smiled nervously, and suddenly hesitated. Everyone's attention made her feel quite pressured. An anxious look crossed her face.
She whispered to Paula, then ran back to the dressing room. Oliver stared at her back in amazement.
Oliver: What's wrong?
Paula: She is not satisfied with her makeup.
Oliver loosened his collar irritably and glanced at Orton.
Oliver: Well, Mr. Orton, don't you want me to check the background screening? Come with you too, Mr. Cardiff.
He strode away, and Cardiff and Orton followed close behind.
(Cut to)

59. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-During the day,
Colin saw Sybil Thorndike still standing. She smiled at him all over her face.
Sybil Thorndike: Is she beautiful?
Colin: Do you want to sit down, Sir Sybil?
Sybil Thorndike: You are so kind, Colin. OK, everyone sit down!
Colin saw her chair next to the camera, and walked over to take it. But when he picked up the chair, a crew member in overalls sternly stopped him.
Trevor: Are you a member of NATTKE?
Colin: What?
Trevor: This chair is a prop. The props are from NATTKE. If members of ACT want to work for NATTKE, I will call out my people.
Everyone's eyes were directed at Colin at once. Trevor regarded Colin's shock as stubbornness, and he turned and roared.
Trevor: Strike rally!
Half of the film crew immediately put down their tools. Colin showed a frightened expression. Sybil Thorndike frowned dissatisfiedly.
Sybil Thorndike: I believe everyone is a member. There is no need to fight for trivial matters.
Trevor: It may be a trivial matter to you, Sir Sybil, but this is my livelihood. (To Colin) Put down the chair.
Colin glared at him, shocked.
Trevor: Put the chair down immediately!
Colin threw away the chair as if it was on fire. The chair fell to the ground with a croak. Sybil Thorndike imposes pressure on Trevor with dignity.
Sybil Thorndike: I see what you mean. Unity is the most important thing. If the union is noisy, only the management will benefit.
Trevor hesitated for a moment, not quite sure of what she said, but then he shrugged magnanimously.
Trevor (to Colin): If I see you working at NATTKE again, I will close this set immediately, faster than you blink. (To his people) Dave, Sir Sybil needs a chair.
Dave picked up the same chair, moved it about 6 inches away, and placed it behind Sybil Thorndike. Sybil Thorndike finally sat down, and she immediately regained her happy mood.
Sybil Thorndike: I was on the picket line in 1926. That is called a real strike. We were all Bolsheviks at the time!
She had a nostalgic smile on her face.
(Cut to)

60. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-During the day
Marilyn finally came to the set and was ready to shoot. Sybil Thorndike plays the Queen Mother, who waits behind a door. Oliver and Marilyn were in front of the camera. Marilyn shook her hands nervously, calming herself with this strange gesture. Paula whispered the last few words in her ear and read her lines.
Colin watched all this intently. The bell rang, the red light came on, and photographer Dennis turned on.
Orton: Be quiet, everyone!
Dennis: Prepare.
The reporter closed the clapper with a click.
Orton: Start shooting!
Oliver (as the Regent): "Before you see my stepmother, I must remind you that her vision is a little fuzzy and sometimes her ears are very deaf."
Sybil Thorndike just walked in proudly at this time, her Maude, the maid, followed close behind. Sybil Thorndike manages his lines with ease.
Oliver (as the Regent): "Allow me to introduce Miss Elsie Marina."
Sybil Thorndike (as the Queen Mother): "Okay, my dear, of course I remember you."
They all looked at Marilyn... she was stunned.
Marilyn: Oh my goodness. I forgot the word. sorry.
Oliver: Stop.
Sybil Thorndike (smiling): It's easy to make mistakes, isn't it? I sometimes make mistakes. Shall we do it again, Larry?
(Cut to)

61. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-Daytime
clapper closes with a click. The fifth.
Sybil Thorndike (playing as the Queen Mother): "Okay, dear, of course I remember you."
Marilyn (playing as Elsie) (stuttering): "Oh, you must have forgotten, noble... …Oh, I mean, the noble... uh... your noble majesty."
It’s not clear whether Marilyn’s hesitation was pretended, but everyone else stubbornly continued.
Sybil Thorndike (playing as the Queen Mother): "What did she say?"
Oliver (playing as the Regent): "She said that she admires you for your good memory, and it is a great honor."
Marilyn interrupted, speaking out loudly . Lines.
Marilyn (as Elsie): "I am the coconut girl on the street."
Sybil Thorndike (hesitating for a moment): Is there another line to me, dear?
Oliver: Stop.
(Cut to)

62. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Photo Studio-During the day, the
clapper clicked and closed again. Article 12.
Orton: Start shooting!
Sybil Thorndike (as the Queen Mother): "Thank you, dear. (Pause) Lovely beauty. She should use mascara more. She should use mascara more when she is young, and more when she is old What do you do, dear?"
Marilyn (as Elsie): "I am the coconut girl on the street."
Sybil Thorndike (as the queen mother ) (to Oliver): "What? "
Oliver (playing as the regent): "She said, she is an actor."
Marilyn looked at him, hesitating, but just entering the state of the role. Oliver glanced at Orton, who nodded.
Oliver: Stop.
Orton: Check the film door.
Focuser: No problem with the film gate.
Oliver: Yes.
The people on the set breathed a sigh of relief.
Sybil Thorndike (smiling): It's perfect, Marilyn. You are the living Elsie!
Marilyn smiled awkwardly, not really believing her, Sybil continued.
Sybil Thorndike: Let's practice our lines together later, right? If you can do this, do me a favor. I'm getting older and I can't remember the lines! Will you come for tea tomorrow?
In fact, Sybil can memorize the lines every time without any mistakes, everyone knows that. But she spoke to Marilyn in a friendly and decent manner. Marilyn was beaming with joy.
Marilyn: Is it possible?

62A. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Studio-During the day,
Oliver looked discouragedly at Colin.
Oliver: She can't. I should use Vivien Leigh.
Colin: If someone can train her well, that person is you. You are a genius.
Oliver: Oh, yes, the greatest actor in the world still alive, they said so.
Oliver looked at Colin, hoping that he could restore his confidence. Oliver took out a cigarette with trembling fingers, and Colin hurriedly lit it. Oliver smiled bitterly.
Oliver: I hope I can be as outstanding as you said. (Pause) You stare at her obediently.
(Cut to)

63. Interior, Pinewood Film Studio-Dressing Room/Corridor-
Marilyn and Paula walked towards the dressing room during the day . Marilyn looked tired and dazed. Colin was about to do an errand, and happened to walk behind them and overheard their conversation.
Marilyn: I can't find the feel of this film.
Paula: You are great. You are the most gifted actress I have ever seen. You are first-rate, Marilyn. You are extraordinary.
Marilyn: He is very annoyed with me.
Paula: You are great. You are a great, great actress. I have been praying all my life to help and guide a great actress.
Paula stopped abruptly and knelt down on her knees in the hallway in front of Marilyn. Colin hurriedly stopped, his way was blocked.
Paula: It's like this. I knelt on my knees and prayed to God. As a result, he gave you to me. You are that great actress, Marilyn.
Marilyn: Don't do that, Paula, get up.
Paula: I won't get up unless you admit that you are great.
Marilyn laughed, and her mood gradually improved.
Marilyn: Alright. I think I am.
Colin looked at her, feeling that he had a chance to help.
Colin: You are really good, Miss Monroe.
Marilyn smiled blankly. Paula glanced at him fiercely --- Colin hurriedly left.
(Cut to)

64. Interior, a nightclub in London-
the atmosphere at night in this nightclub is cheerful. Rows of small tables are placed around the stage, and several young couples are dancing to an indulgent, lively jazz. When the music was over, the dancers returned to their tables, and Colin and Lucy were among them. There was a bottle of champagne on the table, and Colin poured a glass of wine for both of them.
Lucy: Can you afford the consumption here?
Colin: It doesn't matter.
Lucy: It must take a week's salary.
Colin: The flowers are worthwhile.
Lucy couldn't help but feel springy.
Lucy: You are not an ordinary third, are you?
Colin: I'm not a bit of an old man. No matter what, I have to support myself.
Lucy: Do you rely on Vivien Leigh to secretly give away it?
Colin: Who told you?
Lucy: Everyone has a mouth.
Colin: Vivien Leigh is a friend of my father's.
Lucy: So it's okay? Between you and Vivien Leigh?
Colin smiled vaguely, and he leaned over to kiss her. Lucy avoided him coldly.
Lucy: I'm not that casual.
A male waiter came over with the bill and handed him a pen.
Male waiter: Are you going to sign your father's account, sir?
Colin's face flushed with embarrassment.
Colin: Of course not. I pay cash.
The waiter nodded cautiously and walked away. Lucy looked at Colin and smiled jokingly.
Colin: I always wanted to pay, you know.
Lucy: Of course you are.
Colin looked at Lucy, her smile without a trace of mockery, which made Colin very grateful.
Lucy: Do you think Marilyn is pretty?
Colin: Nothing compares to you.
Lucy (laughing): You don't have to talk so sweetly. You are good enough. you can do it.
Colin filled Lucy with another glass of wine.
Lucy: Did you know that Marilyn still loves DiMaggio?
Colin: That's what they said.
Lucy: She married Miller out of anger.
Her eyes glowed in the light, and she looked cute and charming. Colin leaned over and kissed her, this time she did not refuse.
(Cut to)

65. Exterior scene, Lucy's house-
Colin's Bristol sports car parked on a quiet suburban street at night , with semi-detached houses on both sides of the street. Lucy's house has a small neat front yard lawn, a private car parked in the driveway, and mesh curtains hung on the windows. It is almost no different from any surrounding house.
(Cut to)

65A. Interior view, Lucy's house-living room-at night,
Colin and Lucy are kissing in the small living room of Lucy's house. The place is spotless, clean and tidy.
Colin unbuttoned Lucy's shirt. Lucy stopped him with her hands.
Lucy: Don't worry.
Colin: I really like you, Lucy.
Lucy (looking at him sharply): Maybe.
She heard heavy footsteps in the bedroom.
Lucy: It's my father.
She hurriedly kissed Colin on the cheek, and immediately adjusted her clothes. After a while, Lucy's father, Mr. Armstrong, opened the door and put on a dressing gown over his pajamas. He looked at his daughter and glanced at Colin suspiciously.
Mr. Armstrong: It's time to rest. I have to get up early tomorrow.
Lucy: I'm sorry, Dad. We were discussing tomorrow's schedule just now.
Colin: Yes, I should go now. This is Colin Clark. Fortunately, Mr. Armstrong.
He confidently took the initiative to shake hands with the surprised Mr. Armstrong.
Colin: Your home is very comfortable.
Mr. Armstrong: Are you familiar with this area?
Colin (stumped): Uh...not very familiar. My home is more remote.
They were speechless for a while and looked at each other. Mr. Armstrong smiled blankly and left. Colin smiled and whispered to Lucy.
Colin: Come back next Saturday?
Lucy nodded. Colin followed her to the hall.
(Cut to)

65B. Exterior scene, Lucy's house-
Colin walked out of Lucy 's house at night , he looked around all the semi-detached houses around him, and hesitated for a moment. He feels uncomfortable here, far away from his parents or the Pinewood Film Studio. That kind of world makes him yearn for. He felt strongly how different the world he and Lucy were in. Colin walked to his car and felt relieved to leave here.
(Cut to)

66. Location, Pine Forest Film Studio-Gate-
Early in the day and morning, Colin was waiting at the gate again. The black car in which Sybil Thorndike drove over and stopped beside Colin.
Sybil Thorndike: Colin, dear, I know you will be cold, so I bought this for you.
She handed Colin a bright red scarf. Colin was moved.
Colin: Thank you, Sir Sybil.
Sybil Thorndike: The set and the rehearsal room are the coldest places in the world.
Colin smiled, and her car drove away. Colin wrapped the scarf around his neck and continued to wait.
(Cut to)

67. Interior, Pinewood film studio - the studio - the day
the crew members standing around moping. Oliver walked around, Milton by his side.
Oliver: She should be on time like everyone else.
Milton: She is a star.
Oliver: I am also a star! (Looking around discouragedly) It would be nice if we stopped this behavior sooner.
Milton: You are talking about Marilyn.
Oliver frowned at Colin, and Colin handed him a cigarette. Marilyn finally showed up holding Paula's arm. Oliver walked towards her, holding back his anger.
Oliver: Marilyn, dear, you are such an angel, I would love to kiss your skirt, but why can't you be there on time?
Paula reacted quickly and defended Marilyn.
Paula: Marilyn has to be fully prepared. She had to find something hidden

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.