Conjectures about Rana's identity

Norbert 2022-01-03 08:02:05

Friendly reminder, if you don’t like other people’s spoilers, please watch the movie first. This spoiler is too outrageous!

Let me give a big premise first-Rana is just a rookie police officer with a mediocre IQ who has only been on the job for 6 months!

OK! All ready ?! GO!!!

11 'Why did Rana stutter and hesitate when she first saw Vidya? I think there is only one explanation, and that is that he really fell in love with Vidya at first sight, in order to cover up his panic and take this opportunity to reduce Vidya’s vigilance, approach her so that he can execute orders-protect Vidya’s personal safety and help her find Milan .
(A friend disagrees with my point of view. He thinks that Rana and Vidya were deliberately performing this play for others to see, in order to show that they are strangers they have never met, and they took this task from the beginning-find out Milan and killed him-he already knew the existence of the other party. His statement is indeed reasonable, but there is not much evidence to support his point of view in the film.)

17' Rana drives Vidya back on the way, Vidya said something meaningful. She said, "Intereting. Two names for the same person. Two identities." Ignore the first two sentences, and the last sentence means "two identities!" My interpretation here is-Vidya this The sentence insinuates himself and Rana. Needless to say, her own dual identity can't be more clearly explained in the film. Rana's dual identities are worth considering. It is mentioned in the film that Rana's public identity is a young police officer who has just been employed for six months, while the other hidden identity is intriguing. He is undoubtedly an agent like Vidya, but is he one of the three agents who were drawn out of special training as mentioned by the former head of the Intelligence Bureau, Bajpayee? The following article will give you an explanation.

32' A close-up shot of Rana answering the phone in a tram was given. Rana's dialogue is, almost here, mother. This seemingly unremarkable close-up is left to be answered later.

53 'Rana saw Vidya's scarf fall on the floor at the feet of the killer. If the killer finds out, she and Vidya will be exposed. So she is eager to use the sound of the assassin between the electric flint and flint to provoke the killer. He quickly retrieves the scarf and pushes it away. The opened drawer containing Milan information. The problem lies in this electric light and flint. According to normal logic, Rana is just a young police officer with a dick, so how does he have such a strong psychological quality and well-trained agility? If he is a special police officer, I still believe one or two, but he is just an ordinary police officer who has been on the job for 6 months. What does this mean?

62' They pried open the old house in Milan. Rana glanced at the situation at the door, and then said lazily, "There is nothing inside!" It is very difficult to say this as an ordinary young police officer with no experience in handling cases. It's commonplace, but the sentence behind him, "And if there is, it must have been taken away by Khan long ago" made me more suspicious of his identity. How did he know that Khan had taken it away long ago? Even if it is mentioned later that he cooperated with Khan, but Khan did not need to tell this before and after he had handled the subway poison gas case two years ago, including where he went, who met, who took it back, and so on. 6 A rookie of the month, right? To be clear, Khan looked at the rookie with contempt at first. Do you think he would tell this rookie so much? What if he guessed it himself? How did he guess it, and on what basis? You must know that according to the general logic, he came to this room for the first time. Of course, if it was not the first time, it would be another matter. If it was not the first time, his identity would be even more suspicious.
Assuming that Rana is here for the Nth time, where did he get the information about Milan before the first time? You must know that Milan’s information is only available to the National Data Center, and it is nothing more than the two big bosses behind the scenes that have the power and the power to investigate the files in the National Data Center, the former Intelligence Agency Captain Bajpayee and the Intelligence Agency Commander Bhaskaran. Khan is just a small one here. The fish and shrimps are not worth mentioning. Then he must belong to one of his subordinates to get the information so smoothly. Bhaskaran can be completely ruled out, so only Bajpayee is left. Therefore, Rana is one step closer to being one of the three special agents!

66' As mentioned in the previous premise, Rana is just a young police officer with mediocre intelligence, but when the film came to 66', an intriguing scene appeared. When the clue was about to break, Rana suddenly mentioned that she could find someone. People, and this person's identity is a bit special, he used to be an undercover agent! That’s right, I’m going to take another 6 months of employment. If a talented person who has been employed for 6 months can master some resources that may not be mastered even if they have been mixed into old fritters in the police station, under what circumstances do you think it will happen? You might as well dig another hole and leave it to be filled later.

73' Another close-up shot of Rana answering the phone in the tram. Rana's dialogue is still the same, it's almost here, mother. Since so many pits have been dug, this one is not bad.

77'The killer followed Vidya in search of a good opportunity to kill her in one fell swoop, but Vidya, who was born as an agent, was indifferent to this, which is suspicious! When the killer drew his pistol to start his hand, Rana appeared, just right, no, as if you suddenly fell from the sky and gave you a Evergrande ice spring when you were too thirsty! Recalling the calm attitude of Vidya, who was born as an agent, it is hard to imagine that she didn't prepare in advance. So how did she prepare? She answered a call before the killer appeared. I think this call has reminded her that a killer is coming to kill her, and this call is probably from Rana. If this argument conflicts with what she told Poltu later, but think about it, there are so many people around, how do you know which one is the killer? It's better to stand still and lead him to show up! So there was a scene of collision with Rana, letting the killer expose himself in desperation. There is another unexpected scene here. What is the basis of a 6-month-old newbie who dares to chase the killer with a gun unarmed? ! Of course it is his other identity! ! ! Hey, one step closer!

82'Rana easily troubled the employees of the National Data Center, which facilitated the movement at night. Originally, it is understandable that an attractive man messed with a woman, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Rana messed with the female employee and didn't use this method, so how did he mess with it? Considering that he could use the name of investigating the murder of Agnes to deceive the little girl, I took advantage of the question. It was precisely this point that was wrong. Before he was asked about the investigation evidence when he went to investigate, he was embarrassed. Later, he was embarrassed. I'm afraid he won't repeat the same mistakes again, so how did he, a rookie police officer with a mediocre IQ, do it? There is nothing to do, at least in my opinion, if he does not have another identity, there is nothing to do! You know, what he wants female employees to do is to steal the door of her boss' room to let them in and steal information. As you can imagine, in what situation can a person do such a thing? It's nothing more than fate or helplessness, obviously the latter, so what makes the female employee helpless? Of course it is power! Where does Rana's power come from? The answer is Bajpayee, one of the big bosses behind the scenes, the former captain of the Intelligence Bureau! ! ! Speaking of this, his identity is self-evident!

90 'Here again! It was Rana, the tram, and the phone rang, but he didn't answer this time. Sorry, there are more pits!

94 'Give me an explanation. Why didn't Mr. Khan, the deputy commander of the Intelligence Agency, expect that, Agent Vidya did not expect it, but Rana thought that it was a string of numbers? Because he saw the deputy commander shaking his phone? NONONO! If you are untrained and rely on your mediocre brain, how would you think about it like this? You can believe it yourself, but there is no reason for others to believe it! But I also feel that it is too reluctant to dig something here, after all, everyone has the moment when the gods are possessed! But I still feel that this place has become a shining point that highlights Rana's wisdom, and his inspiration is not accidental! I believe! You can't believe it! (I thought about deleting this paragraph, but later I kept it)

102'This is a big bug! Rana was put under house arrest. Why did the chief of a police station follow the order of Khan, the chief of the case, the deputy commander of the Intelligence Bureau, to help Rana get out of the office? You know, he has only been employed for 6 months! (I lay down and shot the whole story for 6 months!) You can say that it is the chief's human touch, but I can also say that it is because the chief has received another order to let him release Rana by all means! If this is what I said, then we can go back to what I said at 66', if a talented person can master some resources that even if they have been mixed into old fried dough sticks in the police station for 6 months, they may not be able to master them. Under what circumstances do you think it will happen?
Of course, it is debatable who ordered the Secretary!

111'Rana has been pretending to be a grandson, it's time to show off! When Khan and his men found it, Milan was already dead and Vidya managed to escape. All that was left was that Rana showed the whole story process to Khan who seemed to be smart but was tricked around. Rana first talked to Khan about some of the past doubts one by one, showing his subtle insight, and then seized a key point to connect the whole story, so that Vidya is actually the whole scam under the background of the big Boss Bajpayee. Out of the water, this highlights Rana's strong logical thinking ability. The identity of Rana who can make such subtle inferences is certainly not as simple as an ordinary police officer, so there are those interesting dialogues behind-
Who is Satyoki?
Rana smiled, I am Satyoki!
At this time Khan was still awake and shook out a USB flash drive. Rana signaled to him that the USB flash drive is the evidence—another evidence of the secret collusion between the big boss behind the scenes and the surviving Director of Information of the National Data Center and Milan. Then when Khan asked who sent Vidya to come, Rana smiled, turned and walked away, and waved back to indicate the end. This is a stark contrast to Khan, who is standing behind him in a daze! ! !

The ending is, of course, a Chinese-style happy ending, and the bad guys are all dead.

Fill in the hole below!
My premise is that Rana is one of the three agents who belong to Bajpayee, and the remaining two are the rebellious Milan and the husband Arup of Vidya who died of subway gas.
With this premise, except for the close-up shots of 32' 73' 90' Rana riding on the tram to listen to the phone, all the other pits can have an answer! So everything that happened is reasonable.
I guess the background of the whole story is this. After the subway gas case happened, the murderer was quickly found out-Milan! But I have been struggling to be unable to catch him, as if every step of the Intelligence Bureau could be learned by him and let him escape early! At this time, Bajpayee realized that there was a ghost in the Intelligence Agency, so on the one hand, he resigned to express his superficial attitude-since then, this matter is no longer relevant to me, and I went home to farm for the elderly and end up! This is a trick to paralyze the enemy. On the other hand, to set the overall situation, Rana, one of the three agents of the Shilling, dives to the local police station as a police officer, giving him a wide space for him to play freely to investigate the whereabouts of Milan. And provide him with all the information he knows about Milan as much as possible! After Rana's investigation made no progress, she made a big move and sent out Vidya, who was pretending to be a pregnant woman, and told Rana to pick up Vidya. So the story unfolded slowly...
17' When Vidya said that sentence, he would subconsciously show an intriguing smile, because he has two identities, one is a superficial rookie police officer, and the other is one of the three agents!
53' A special tool has the most normal qualities-strong psychology, excellent technology, agile skill! What's more, it's not a genius killer like Leo, it's just a slightly higher grade inferior product.
62' Knowledge of the empty room in Milan, knowing that Khan had searched the room and taken all suspicious items away. If you get the most possible data (at least surpass the data in Khan's hand), knowing that these are just gifts.
66' Know the former undercover Paresh. As one of the three agents, and directly affiliated to the big Boss Bajpayee, it is normal to have information on the list of intelligence personnel, undercover agents, etc.!
77' The reason why I dared to hunt down the assassin with a gun alone. 1. The killer is inferior; 2. I am strong and confident! 3. A little show that the newborn calves that meet the surface identity are not afraid of tigers!
82' Power given by Big Boss Bajpayee!
94' The three agents should excel!
102' Bajpayee's order to the director.

Finally, let me talk about the three close-up shots of 32' 73' 90'.
I won’t repeat the content, it’s just the dialogue that aroused my great interest. Rana’s dialogue on the previous two calls was, "Almost coming, Mom!" If Rana is still a regular police officer, we can understand it as going home. Filial son. But at this time Rana has a very special identity-one of the three agents! So I interpreted his dialogue as a code to connect with Bajpayee. As for why he is called his mother, I am puzzled! (Perhaps it has something to do with both men and women in Thailand, haha, joking) The evidence supporting my conjecture is that there is no scene in the whole film to explain his mother. Does it matter whether it is his mother? Then why did the director deliberately give a close-up shot of answering the phone when riding the tram for three Rana? So it is completely out of logic to think about it from a normal perspective! Especially in the 90' ​​scene, Rana was angry because she had a stiff relationship with Vidya and cut off the phone. Would you cut off your mother's phone because a woman made her worry about you in vain? I have never interrupted, nor even thoughts, so I can’t understand that the interruption is the phone call from my mother. Therefore, it is reasonable that he cut off Bajpayee's call, but they still met, followed up Milan's investigation and Vidya's situation, made a report and gave new instructions for action, and so on, scenes that often appear in Infernal Affairs.

This brings me to another question that I think too much about. The Intelligence Bureau should have a final decision-making body on top of the big boss behind the two scenes, that is, the decision-making body that distributes power. I absolutely believe that there is one or more ultimate bosses involved in the case behind Bhaskaran, the commander-in-chief of the Intelligence Agency. The same situation also happened to Bajpayee. If no one supports him, he will simply be unable to do so! It was just that the clue was cut off at Bhaskaran, and it was difficult to trace it later. The so-called power cannot reach the height of perfect checks and balances, how can there be no two or three mice? But afterwards, I'm going to bother the cats and catch them out again.

To make a digression, this movie was originally called Story! I don't care what you think about the difference between the original name and the translated name. Anyway, I have no idea.

last of the last.
It's just a movie, why should it be so real, isn't it?
In your opinion, don't spray if you don't like it!

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