Stalker's aftermath

Brice 2022-04-22 07:01:09

Tarkovsky's films always discuss the nature of religion, the meaning of life and other matrices from different angles. This Stalker is one of the most straightforward and ideological. The stalkers, writers and scientists in the film all have their own representation in the world. The stalker took them to the area to find a room. I think this is a metaphor for the road of redemption and the gate of God. The process is full of traps and temptations. , to strengthen their own beliefs to enter. Tashi concentrated the scene on the wasteland, with old iron and oil stains everywhere, which may be a satire of the industrial environment at the time, but he has to admire his mise-en-scene ability and photography aesthetics, even under such conditions. Capturing the beauty of the wasteland. This film also uses a lot of argumentative dialogues to illustrate Ta's views on modern society and intellectuals. He believes that people can be happy only by crossing the room, but few people believe it. In the end, even the stalker himself was a little shaken. Until the last scene, when the little girl was reading the scriptures, the cup moved, and then the picture slowly advanced to the close-up of the little girl, only to see that her face was calm, this is a firm belief, just like Dostoyev Skye wrote in Crime and Punishment that if you seek, you will find. In such a landscape society that advocates industry and science, artists are selfless but weak, and they cannot change the people who are constantly nibbling away, so what should we believe? Tarkovsky taught me that only by determinedly searching can we find what we believe and what we should believe.

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Stalker quotes

  • Stalker: May everything come true. May they believe. And may they laugh at their passions. For what they call passion is not really the energy of the soul, but merely friction between the soul and the outside world. But, above all, may they believe in themselves and become as helpless as children. For softness is great and strength is worthless. When a man is born, he is soft and pliable. When he dies, he is strong and hard. When a tree grows, it is soft and pliable. But when it's dry and hard, it dies. Hardness and strength are death's companions. Flexibility and softness are the embodiment of life. That which has become hard shall not triumph.

  • [first lines]

    Stalker's Wife: [sub-titled from Russian] Why did you take my watch?