In any case, at least face life with pride

Anais 2022-01-01 08:01:24

Very simple love clues, men and women forced to overlap in time and space, after experiencing a common storm, wipe out the spark of love. Love has changed two people. The man learns to protect and the woman learns to be compassionate. At the same time, there is a patriotic feeling supported by great dignity. Hang it, hang it~ There is nothing more meaningful than dignity, this is great humanity.

The old maiden portrayed by Catherine Hepburn was never ashamed of her identity. When Humphrey Bogart was talking nonsense after drinking, she also strengthened herself and threw away the culprit: the wine, all! I love this old maiden!

Self-love and perseverance, forbearance and concern.

The actor is great. At the end of the day, the stereotypical old maiden also vaguely appeared in the style of Catherine Hepburn. No one is more sloppy like a homeless bachelor than Humphrey Bogart~!

I like to see people sticking to their dreams even to the point where they are stupid and unreasonable, more respectable than flexibly compromising for survival ~

so I know where we are different. They will always be different, so the friendship between you and me can only go to this extent. Do not think too much

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The African Queen quotes

  • Rose Sayer: Oh Charlie, we're having our first quarrel.

  • [referring to their mended propeller]

    Charlie Allnutt: It's turning right enough, but that don't mean nothin'. The question is, will she stand up under a full head of steam. Well, we'll get the answer out there - but the Lord help us if it ain't the right one.